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Posts posted by Dufniall

  1. This game does deserve a topic of its own! I'm currently going through it for a review for the main site, so I won't dive in too deep now. I'm currently in Chapter 6, and I feel there is still a few hours main story to go. I have done only a couple of sidequests, mainly because I don't want to drag it out too long before finishing it so I can start the review.

    But it's definitely a game I will revisit after completion to mop up the rest of the sidequests! It's just so charming and the world-building is well done. The writing is good too. Dark at times but overall very merry with plenty of humour.

    I'm curious about your optional boss @drahkon, who was it (in spoiler tags)? That support character seems cool!

  2. I got it as well for a bit above the minimum price. Probably won't even look at 99,99% of the games though haha. I saw some game devs promoting it on Twitter so I figured if they are behind this then I shouldn't feel ashamed for picking it up for this bargain price.

  3. 6 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Bug Fables

    About 10 hours in, still in chapter 3 :D

    Found a place to grind xp for a while so naturally I spend some time there. Leveled up twice and now the exp gains are not worth the effort.

    A certain medal let's me defeat weak enemies before fighting them. Given the grind I was able to run through the current story area without a single random battle :D The first mandatory fight still kicked my ass.

    Anyways, the story seems to be picking up the pace. Can't wait to see where it's going.

    Good to hear your impressions. I've also started Bug Fables and I'm about 3 hours in I guess, and I've just completed chapter 2. I'll save the details for my review, but so far it's been a fun and charming experience. The only thing that bugged me is that in the beginning of the game is it doesn't make it clear how you use the Spy thing during battle. So I missed some enemy entries for my log which means I probably won't get 100% completion on my first run.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

    I’m glad I invested my time in this game in the end and would consider playing the sequel on PC should I get access to it in the future.

    It is in the XBox Game Pass for PC, and that's currently on trial for €1 for one month. So if you have time to finish it in one month you can do so for almost free. And then finish the 99 other games in the Pass in the remaining time.

    I haven't subscribed yet but I have the week off next week so maybe I should.

  5. Okay, the game is now 60% off so I finally caved and got it! It's instantly better on the Switch with 2 better analogue sticks and the bigger screen and the HD graphics.It feels good getting back into hunting, and I'm glad that I could still tackle a Najarala without fainting. :p So some of that muscle memory is still there. 

    This means I'm up for some online hunting as well, if you don't mind carrying me up from HR2 haha. I'll see if I can at least get some basic quests out of the way so we can at least fight some monsters instead of doing item quests!

    • Like 2
  6. I gave them all a whirl as well, and here is the verdict for @Dcubed, @Sméagol and @RedShell:


    It's funny you went all out with the digging as that was something I didn't even put in my level. The idea is cool but like RedShell already said, it can be a bit frustrating at times. Chasing after a mushroom when you get hit through clouds was a bit annoying at times haha. Was there any purpose to the giant bombs by the way or just for the heck of it? All in all a fun one but not your best level.


    Wait what's this, a pretty straightforward relatively easy level? I'll take it. :p A lot of elements from SMB2 are in, including a lot of the level designs like the underground "jars". Very fun to play! That Birdo was very creative as well. Had to go back for the secret at the beginning because DCubed mentioned it.


    The most varied level with some fun elements to it. Apparently there are a lot of secrets here as well, haven't searched for them! Cool to see you gave a whole different spin to Birdo! Not much more to add, very good overall.

    As for my own level, a missed chance to not put in a slot machine! Funny thing with the ongoing bullets is that it wasn't like that in the first place. But I needed some extra room for the Koopaling so I extended the Bullet Bill part, forgetting to put in a wall to make it stop scrolling haha. I don't even know exactly how creating rooms works so I should check the tutorials I guess. There are more flaws in my level and I wasn't too happy with it myself, but hey it's something!

    Thanks for your levels! I'm voting for @Sméagol as well. Very Super Mario Bros 2 and your version of Birdo was very creative.

    • Thanks 3
  7. I only learned yesterday that there was a THPS5! And looks like I didn't miss anything there. I do remember THPS HD coming out, but never got around to playing that. I think the main criticism with HD was that they couldn't get the physics engine to work like in the older games so it played quite differently and not as good as the old games. I'm curious to see if they can fix that for 1+2 Remaster.

    Anyway, siked now because I have a lot of nostalgia for the series. I've played 2, 4, Underground 1+2 and American Sk8land (the DS one) to bits and I think I've played 3 a little bit as well. The soundtracks still bring back great memories, although the later ones had too much hiphop and other tracks to my liking. But the punkrock and metal tracks, god damn.

    Trailer looks good, but I need to see more gameplay. They went for the realistic look it seems, which can work out although more cartoony maybe would have been better. I wonder if there will be an option to play as young Tony or old Tony. :p And I need to see if I can find one of these as that's what I used to play THPS2 with back in the days:


    Bring the Noise!

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