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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Wasnt actually planning on buying this for a while but I managed to get one of BestBuy's 500 copies that they were selling at £27.99 for at 11. Has anyone ordered from BestBuy before? Just wondering how quick their delivery is.
  2. Yeah thats a good idea I guess. I think the main thing for me is actually being able to see people and their reactions and not just hear them.
  3. Another progression screenshot, this time using the Dokucraft texture pack:
  4. Eurogamer have a price roundup: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-11-07-uk-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-price-roundup
  5. I dont even like voice chat really, always feel weird while using it (dont know why seeing as its just like a phone) and there are just too many complete tossers playing online.
  6. The single player will always be the biggest draw for me in a game. Unless the multiplayer is local then I rarely play it for that long. I dont really like multi unless im in the same room as the person, otherwise I feel as though I may as well just be playing with bots.
  7. I finished the castle roof earlier. Actually hit the top level of the world so had to level it off instead of having the one extra layer it needed but its still ok. We need to take a look next time we are both on to see if its worth keeping.
  8. Guess ive been lucky with my PS3, still on my first one. 360 however is my third. I'm still on my first PS3, no real problems with it. On my third 360 though.
  9. Im just waiting for the "Ohhhhhhhh now I see" post that will come after that one.
  10. Yeah thats the reason it took me so long to buy one. This one cost me £6.73
  11. Im probably going to carry on with my level 16 character. I tried again with my new one but I didnt want to do all those early missions again, plus I was flying too slowly! :p
  12. Yeah I watched Year One the other week (although its not an anime, just another animated dc movie). I thought it was ok but not as good as some of the others. To be honest I think im just really sick of seeing Batman's origin.
  13. Well then my way was a lot easier :p
  14. I worked on the castle a bit today, not sure what time i'll be online later though. @nightwolf Im gonna go on now so hopefully see you on there
  15. Im not sold on Uncanny yet, it just seemed more of the same and ive been bored of that for quite a while now.
  16. Finally ordered a replacement Sky+ remote, our current one has been dodgy for about a year but we couldnt be arsed paying the full price for a new one.
  17. Im not particularly liking Morgan's expanded role as a spy at all, it was much better last season when he just occassionally helped.
  18. Yeah I couldnt either at first, it was only when I went back a few days later and tried it from an angle to the right that it allowed it.
  19. Is that the one with the 6 red pads on the floor? If so I think I just found the right angle to use the zip line to get over them.
  20. Im just glad they didnt charge everyone for the intro movie, its the best thing about the entire game!
  21. For those that have completed the main story:
  22. I only just got around to watching the trailer for this (which I notice hasnt been posted in the thread yet so i'll post below) and I think it looks pretty good. I heard on the Giant Bombcast a few weeks ago that they'd been able to give it a try and were quite impressed as well Also, 4 player co-op trailer:
  23. God, having to listen to ReZ burp all the time while playing multiplayer is fucking horrible.
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