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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. All of my dvds are now in big wallets and ive got to admit I do regret it a bit. I was completely running out of shelf space so it did help me there (shelves are back full again now though) but I did miss just looking at the dvd cases. I also think I watch less movies now that I cant see them out on shelves.
  2. I play on my own but Id love to get some multiplayer going at some point. Id be willing to start a new character or just use my other one which hasnt hit hard mode yet. I havent had a chance to try the multiplayer yet.
  3. Not that anyone seems to play Terraria anymore but I just thought id post that I finally beat the Wall of Flesh and have activated hard mode. Im looking forward to murdering some unicorns :p
  4. I dunno, last years November time was very crowded with good games if I remember right.
  5. I think its too soon to get Rescue in there, or if I would want to see her at all really. It would feel like his allies seem to get a new suit each movie.
  6. I hate the fact that Joey Barton keeps getting chance after chance. He really does not deserve the privilege of playing in the Premier League.
  7. Just completed the first episode and loved it. The writing and characters were great but I think the art design especially was really nice to look at. Cant wait for episode 2 now. Tempted to play through it again straight away and make some different decisions, see what comes of them. My only complaint that even with the sensitivity set to its highest the mouse still felt too slow and floaty, because of that I miss a click or two that I wouldnt have otherwise.
  8. I think im going to stop using The Book Depository for my trades. The cheaper price was nice but they take so long to get you books that its not worth it. Im still waiting for Avengers Assemble Vol.2 to be dispatched.
  9. I dont have a 360 anymore anyway so it doesnt really matter but I wouldnt have been getting that version regardless. I dont like the fact that its a pre-launch version or the fact that the worlds have limits, plus from what ive seen it crashes a lot. The only thing it has going for it in my eyes is the ease of multiplayer.
  10. I may have just missed it in the art but has anyone else noticed the crack in Cap's shield since Fear Itself ended? Ive looked for it a couple of times but never seen it. Havent been reading his solo book though so maybe its been mentioned in there?
  11. Im just amazed that shops selling to whatever age has gone on as long as it has. The games industry gets so much bad press over violent games etc but rarely do you see someone ask the parents why these kids own the games in the first place, whether its the parents themselves that bought it or a store selling a game. If the monitoring of this is tightened up then you would hope things would get better. Moogle's comparison to the movie industry is exactly right.
  12. I dont really like it
  13. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-05-10-uk-game-age-ratings-revamped This is good to see. Too often you'll get parents complaining about seeing their children playing violent games despite the fact that they probably bought them themselves anyway. I think we've needed a system closer to movie ratings and stores that will actually enforce those ratings.
  14. Ive enjoyed what ive seen of Alcatraz so far, shame it got cancelled.
  15. Bloody motion controls
  16. Join the Official Rockstar Community on Steam and Receive a Free Copy of Midnight Club 2 http://steamcommunity.com/games/rockstargames/announcements/detail/1045078427175199696
  17. As far as I know their own movies are just going to be more personal so:
  18. Tekkit is the multiplayer version of Technic. Technic has more mods in it.
  19. Its still not your decision to make for other people. Its a spoiler so put it in spoiler tags.
  20. Fucks sake chair
  21. You just seem to be focusing too much on what you wanted from the film instead of what it was. Im perfectly happy with the way the film turned out, the Avengers is an adventure comic and thats what this movie showed.
  22. Well yeah, Stan Lee has confirmed that loads of times in interviews.
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