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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. In the comics Cap was never a founding member of the Avengers, they found him later. Also in case anyone was wondering, there is supposed to be a scene after the credits.
  2. No idea if they're any good or not but I was in the mood to play a point and click adventure game today and 60p for both is good enough for me.
  3. I doubt we will get anymore than a streamlined version of the main Flashpoint story. This will just be there way of making the transition to the DCnU for the animated universe as quickly as possible so I cant see them spending anymore time in the Flashpoint universe than is necessary considering it has nothing to do with the new universe. Im just wondering what will happen with Young Justice. At the moment thats the closest thing to the DC animated movies in terms of style and story so would this movie change that as well. Im also not that thrilled as it is. Mainly because I dont like new Superman at all so I dont want him changing into mopey/moody Superman.
  4. Apparently Kevin Conroy has recorded lines for an animated Flashpoint movie. Looks like they could be trying to bring some of the animated universe up to speed with the comics.
  5. Comixology have all 8 issues, only the first is free though. http://www.comixology.com/Marvels-The-Avengers-Prelude-Furys-Big-Week/comics-series/7566 As for Iron Man 2, if I remember right its at the scene at the end where Fury is talking to Stark and you can see a news report of the Hulk fight at the campus
  6. Im talking about RR for Wally West Flash, not dull Barry Allen Flash.
  7. Now that Barry Allen is back as the Flash so would most likely be the one in a movie, im not nearly as bothered about seeing a Flash movie. I find Barry a dull character in comparison to Wally West. Still feels like they should have made the much rumoured Flash movie with Ryan Reynolds, I think he fits that character a lot better than Green Lantern.
  8. I havent read them but there have been comic tie ins, I assume some of the stuff is from them
  9. Personally I think the original intent of that scene was that they were talking about the Hulk and if thats not the case now then they changed it when they had a better idea on the Avengers story. Wouldnt surprise me if the original idea was that the Avengers movie was going to be them Vs the Hulk but then when that changed they had to change the meaning for that scene at the end of Hulk as well.
  10. Pre-DCnU Green Arrow was one of the older heroes associated with the Justice League and was more sarcastic than funny and was very into his causes and political stuff, as was hinted at at the end of JL #8. He was also a very good friend of Green Lantern with their pretty big series. I think I prefer the old Green Arrow to this new one. I also think that once again with a character being de-aged for the DCnU it just creates confusion. Like how now Green Arrow and Roy Harper look around the same age so their Hero/Sidekick history doesnt really make sense.
  11. I usually do enjoy the modern COD games but as I dont do a lot of competitive multiplayer I usually buy them for the campaign and with that getting shorter and shorter as the games have gone on im just not going to waste money on it anymore.
  12. I dont particularly like the Spider-Man or Batman trailers but I completely disagree about the Avengers one. I think its awesome!
  13. Yeah....people in the music thread dont know anything about Pompey!
  14. Apparently now along with the new Batman trailer there will also be one for the new Spider-Man movie as well. Just hope we get those over here.
  15. Just feels very cheap. Plus you know he wont keep that name for long.

  16. Did you know about this?




    Not the Coulson stuff, thats fine and only a matter of time. Im talking about the fact that we now have Sam Jackson Fury in 616 Marvel as well!

  17. Pretty much everything ive read has said that Ruffalo is great as Banner and this version of the Hulk knocks all the rest of them out of the park.
  18. Ive been watching the Avengers cartoon this week anyway and it does amaze me just how many Marvel stories they have linked into this first season. Already there have been Kree/Skrull War, Civil War, Secret Invasion and Fear Itself stuff, either little nods or proper foreshadowing those events.
  19. You would have thought at least Hawkeye would have gotten his own pair!
  20. One of the main things that has got me excited about the Avengers movie is that it looks like it will finally be a superhero movie that has proper odds against the heroes and an all out attack. While I love loads of the other movies from either company, the stakes have never really felt that big and these are comic book movies, these are the ones where we really should be seeing the incredible.
  21. I miss 90s Marvel cartoons, all a single universe and imo some of the best stuff theyve done. Especially Spider-Man and the X-Men ones.
  22. "Next, and this is important. You should use bread for the sandwich instead of cardboard as you will want to eat this later" :p
  23. Ive been conflicted about wanting them to go through or not
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