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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Anyone thinking about subscribing to the Funimation Now streaming service?
  2. I've preordered the limited edition but I may end up cancelling it as I havent actually decided if I'm getting the game on PS4 or PC yet.
  3. Yeah that would be nice I guess. I kind of just got used to controlling it with the mouse and keyboard after a while.
  4. I'd be happy if they just put the DLC on sale once in a while. Problem is that you have to buy them on Origin with bioware points and its just a bit of a mess. This is why I would just prefer to buy the whole trilogy again.
  5. I remember hearing good things about it, might have to give it a try.
  6. I dont think its actually that it was missing friend notifications though was it? It was an actual choice by Sony to remove them as the PS3 had them so more of a decision that didnt work out. Small difference I know. Still, at least they've sorted it now for those that want it. Got to admit though, I'm probably going to leave mine off.
  7. I'm feeling very smug right now :p
  8. Couple more purchases. Decided to get an extra lens for my new camera And also Cara Ellison's Embed with Games book which I'm looking forward to reading
  9. This is what I keep saying in the DC Cinematic thread. DC is a company where they do have this rich collection of universes that they can pull from and use. They shouldnt be shying away from that and treating their audience as idiots who wouldnt be able to understand why characters appear in two different places with different actors.
  10. It has been reported that certain characters are now off limits. Deathstroke being one of them (Slade Wilson Deathstroke anyway) and Deadshot was a rumoured one which is possibly why they used him the way they did.
  11. Im not really feeling any hype for Uncharted 4 at all anymore. No idea why really as it looks like it should be great but this was exactly how I felt about Uncharted 3 before it came out and I ended up hating that so I might actually hold off buying 4 until I feel a bit more enthusiastic.
  12. Got myself a new camera. I've been interested in photography on and off over the years and thought it would be nice to have a new hobby to learn. Plus now in my new job part of my work is going to be taking photos at the events we put on for alumni so I thought it would be nice to have my own camera that I can learn rather than borrowing the school one every now and again which we have to share with the marketing department. Gonna get a new lens for it at the start of next month as well...just need to get paid again first!
  13. Its similar yes. Visual novel style with investigation and court room type scenes. I'd recommend it anyway.
  14. Completed this last night. Really enjoyed it but I still think I prefer the first game overall. The story and setting in the first were better for me. Still though, as I've said before this game was just gorgeous to look at and as with the last game, its just too fun running around with the bow and sneakily taking people out lol
  15. If you can play MK9 first then I'd recommend it. It had a great story mode thats well worth playing.
  16. If you liked 9 then you'll like X. Personally I didnt think the story was as good but it was still enjoyable.
  17. Im just going to wait a few months for the single player stuff to come out and then I'll buy it. Cant be bothered at the moment, especially considering I dont do a lot of online fights in these games.
  18. They are probably just being stubborn due to the sheer amount of comments you would see online from people (including myself I think) saying they would just wait for Knack to come on PS+ before playing it.
  19. Did any of you watch Black Bullet? I was just looking at buying some new anime blu rays and I think I remember watching the first episode so was just wondering how the full show was before I actually buy it.
  20. No not really. Nintendo games just arent a pull for me anymore. I was interested in playing the new Zelda because I already owned the console.
  21. Yeah I would be. Simply because I was planning on buying this new Zelda game but I'm not bothering with the NX so I wont be able to play it.
  22. Fuck you! I'm fine with being single!!!!! .........................
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