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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I've got my copy preordered. Quite looking forward to playing it as I never had the original, only ever played Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time but really liked them.
  2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-11-codemasters-picks-up-driveclub-dev-evo
  3. Starting to think someone should take my card off me...
  4. Carried on with my Sword Art Online obsession:
  5. Sounds like the impressions from the early screenings of this are very positive. Good to hear.
  6. I still think they should get Keifer Sutherland for Link
  7. Anyway..... Quite looking forward to the 12th April when Oculus should be updating everyone's preorder dates. I still dont expect mine to come for a couple of months but seeing as they've just been giving everyone who ordered after a certain time the July release date it would be nice to get something a bit more specific.
  8. I'm a bit disappointed in their streaming quality options. I dont have a great internet connection so I can get 720p as long as absolutely nothing else is using it (and I like to browse the Internet while watching stuff so thats usually out) and their SD option seems to be 360p which starts to look a bit crappy on a big tv. I was hoping for a nice 480p but no luck
  9. I've heard enough conversations from people that are impressed with what VR is showing outside of just first person perspectives that I'm still quite positive on it. The devs themselves have pretty much all said that they know this isnt just going to be some instant success and will be a slow burn before we get the bigger games we are waiting for. I think its just one of those things where if people keep their expectations in check then it'll happen eventually. Until then I'll stick to my fps games like Fifa or Persona 4.
  10. First person rock music at that!
  11. ....not sure he knows what fps means
  12. Funimation Now launched today and when you sign up you get a 30 day free trial. Just started mine now. Seems pretty good so far.
  13. I was really impressed with Foo VR from Will Smith (formally of Tested.com not Fresh Prince :p ). That kind of tech where VR shows are actually quite simple to do will do a lot for the entertainment part but also watching Giant Bomb's livestream which just had Will's avatar chatting with them in the Firewatch tower showed me just how well this kind of stuff could eventually work with VR multiplayer and chatrooms.
  14. Glad you edited this post. Reading it for the first time I thought you were having a stroke half way through I got so confused.
  15. That was kind of my point but looking more into it I see that Snyder never said anything about her being Jenny Olsen, it was internet rumour. My complaint still stands though.
  16. Well I'm hoping @Goafer and his girlfriend are going to go as well. Either way though one of those nights will be the Friday night after work and then I'd be going home Sunday so it wouldn't really be a full two days anyway. Still though, it'll be nice to get out and try and meet new people for a change. Feels like forever since I made the effort outside of work and close friends.
  17. Booked my weekend at MCM Comic Con Birmingham nice and early. Every year I always say I want to make the effort to spend a weekend at one of these things then never end up going so I figured if I buy the weekend ticket and book a hotel for a few nights now then I'll have to go! Problem with doing it this early is that now I'm looking forward to it and its not until November!
  18. See once again that stinks of Snyder not including things in the actual movie. Promotional interview, Jenny Olson, Jimmy Olson...
  19. Yeah it was just a crap performance either way. Still though, I see no reason to think that he isnt the Lex from the comics just because his father has the same name.
  20. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2016/03/31/atlus-usa-games-will-now-be-published-by-sega I'm assuming as this was published yesterday its not an April fools. If it was then it'd be a bit of a cruel one as I think its great news for Western gamers.
  21. Out of the movies Kav mentioned I would probably rank them: Spider-Man 3 Batman v Superman Daredevil Amazing Spider-Man 2. As I said, I thought Batman v Superman was crap but I didnt exactly elaborate on that. I thought it was a crap movie which had great visuals and interesting moments interspersed throughout.
  22. They do on PC and you don't see them complaining.
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