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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. It shouldnt have to come to that though. The majority of people on here manage to have interesting discussions despite having differing opinions. Why close a thread and ruin it for everyone else just because one person is constantly causing trouble has has been for way too long.
  2. Nintendo branded fleshlight add on?
  3. ....Sony should add a disc changer to the Neo so I don't have to get up and switch blu rays
  4. Couple of digital trade purchases as they were on sale
  5. I like salt & vinegar squares
  6. You're a pachinko machine!
  7. Only good thing about this is that it shows Konami are not opposed to still releasing video games and we'll maybe get some MGS remakes one day.
  8. Yeah it's one of those situations where I absolutely know I shouldn't leave until I find a new job but with how crappy I am feeling all the time at the moment it's hard to stay. As for actually doing my job, I've maybe done an hours work overall this week so far. I just don't care anymore.
  9. Looks like Univision bought all of Gawker for 135 million. http://www.recode.net/2016/8/16/12504008/univision-is-buying-gawker-media-for-135-million
  10. Starting to look like we may get the Mass Effect Trilogy remasters after all! http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/08/16/ea-strongly-hints-that-mass-effect-games-will-get-remastered.aspx?utm_content=buffer8647c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_camp
  11. I just come here for @canand's stubbornness now lol. Its like that Rollercoaster Tycoon thread from a few years ago all over again.
  12. @RedShell http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/08/16/the-tomorrow-children-arrives-september-6-on-ps4/ 6th Sept!
  13. Seems like Final Fantasy XV getting delayed as helped Persona 5 preorders in Japan. http://personacentral.com/final-fantasy-xv-delay-news-leads-persona-5-pre-order-boost-amazon-jp/
  14. I'm about 21 jumps in so far. I started on the Atlus path and then switched towards the galactic core. No idea how close I am though.
  15. http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2016/08/14/final-fantasy-xv-reportedly-delayed-to-november Shame if its true but I'm sure I can wait a couple of extra months.
  16. Depends on your system. I didn't see any at all until about 4 systems in and now I see it everywhere.
  17. Just wanted to say how nice it is to actually see someone ask who a reviewer is instead of just taking it as the website as a whole.
  18. Although Enterprise seemed to go against what had been said before, there is still supposed to be a Klingon war that was never really shown. In First Contact Picard said "There is no starship mission more dangerous than that of first contact... centuries ago, disastrous contact with the Klingon Empire led to decades of war..." and its been mentioned in TOS so its possible.
  19. Nintendo have such a good back catalogue to create the perfect incentive for an online subscription, they really should use it.
  20. Did anyone here ever play Civilization Beyond Earth? I know it isn't the most popular in the series but I'm in the mood to play some more Civ while I'm waiting for VI to come out.
  21. http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/star-trek-discovery/news/a804333/9-new-teasers-for-star-trek-discovery/
  22. Im starting to think more and more that the reason people cant see each other yet even if they are on the same planet is going to have something to do with whats at the center of the universe and thats why Hello Games arent just explaining it.
  23. http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/news/a804302/star-trek-deep-space-nines-admiral-ross-actor-barry-jenner-dies-aged-75/
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