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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Time to get to work
  2. Anyone ever used a Light My Bricks light set for their Lego? I'm kind of tempted to pickup the X Wing set while it's on sale.
  3. Carrying on with my Star Wars posts for today I've ordered the new Star Wars omnibus. I was originally going to drop the newer Marvel stuff and just focus on the Legends omnibus' as they'd have an end point but I'm still hearing good things about the Marvel run so I'll probably limit what I get from the modern era to the Star Wars and Darth Vader books then Legends for everything else.
  4. Yeah I do like that idea. For now though I expect this'll be me done for the Lego sets unless I see something I really like (or they finally release proper Star Trek sets 😆). My wallet can't afford two expensive collecting hobbies and omnibus' already taken up too much space on my shelves as it is.
  5. Not gonna lie though, if I had the space I would have absolutely bought one of the massive sets like the Venator. I love the designs.
  6. Yep. I've got 2 shelves that need things going on them that they should both fit perfectly on.
  7. Stayed up until midnight then sat in the queue on lego.com for 45 minutes so I could order the new Tie Interceptor 😴
  8. Downloading Star Trek Online again for about the 50th time to see if I can get into it.
  9. I've always been more interested in the more detailed ships I think. Argos have a Star Wars day sale on at the moment so I might order the X-Wing later.
  10. Ok so I haven't bought any Lego in years, mostly because I just wouldn't have anywhere to display it but I've got some shelves that could use something on them so am tempted to finally get a nice Star Wars Lego model. Now isn't he UCS line really worth the extra money? It just feels like if I'm doing this I should get something nice. At the moment I'm looking at the latest X Wing release.
  11. Yeah I had it in trade before I upgraded to the Omni. I actually never finished it because I wasn't enjoying it. From what I've heard though is that the main event on its own isn't great (which is what I was reading) and it was all the side stuff that made everything made sense and give context to what was going on so as thats included in the Omni I'm willing to try it again. I also made sure I finished my Scott Snyder Batman omnibus' before ordering it as I know a lot of what happens is first introduced there.
  12. Bought so many DC omnis this month (more than I ended up posting here 😆) that I needed to rearrange my DC collection and buy some new bookcases!
  13. Stealing someone elses comment on this season of Discovery from Reddit but it's just feeling like one of those really boring fetch quests from a video where they are bouncing from place to place. I keep half expecting them to stop and collect 10 pig hides before they can continue.
  14. Kind of tempted to buy a couple of DC Absolute editions for some of my favourite books that would look great in the larger size. Things like Doomsday Clock which have yet to receive the omnibus treatment. Size example:
  15. Yeah I have. It was fine but nothing special, a bit basic and by the numbers. If it's cheap it's probably worth a read but nothing near the quality of the regular Power Rangers or Godzilla comics.
  16. There's 2 main ones. I don't think Cecil's voice matches the character at all and then Steven Yeun as Invincible sounds emotionless and bored for the majority of his lines until he has to yell something.
  17. I gave up on Invincible after the start of season 2. I can't stand the voice acting and it was ruining the show for me so I just dropped it.
  18. Been catching up with X-Men 97 and I'm mostly enjoying it. The animation and voice acting are still a bit iffy to me but the stories have been top notch. Only issue there I really have is due to how closely they are adapting the comics I already know all of the twists 😆
  19. Also neither of them can do sound mixing for shit!
  20. Anyone ever read Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol? It's a run I've always seen recommended but never looked at myself as I can find Morrison a bit hit and miss at times.
  21. ...possibly ordered more DC books, who can tell. I know all 3 are really well thought of but I've never read them before.
  22. It's so frustrating to watch
  23. Went a bit nuts this evening filling in some gaps in my DC events and also picking up all the rarer JSA omnis but I'm looking forward to reading them all. I did try the Dark Nights event previously but I think I understand it better now, plus apparently it's so much better with the addition of the tie ins and the omnis include all of those.
  24. That's basically my thinking as well and I would have been happy with the compendiums but I'm a stickler for my shelves looking nice and books being different heights annoys me 🤣
  25. I still need to upgrade my Invincibles books to hardbacks to go with the rest of my collection. Only problem has been that they keep being released in odd sizes. There's a pretty established size for omnibus and deluxe editions but the Invincible hardbacks are nearly all too big or too small. Only ones that fit the size I want are the Ultimate Collections and there are quite a few of those.
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