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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. That’s 2 random islands I’ve been to now and both have had my native fruit. It’s a conspiracy I tells ya!
  2. I hadn’t wanted to clean them yet just in case there was something that needed crafting with them early on other than the umbrella 😆
  3. Feels like I can get somewhere I shouldn’t now 😆
  4. Ok my island is open for a bit. Should still have some peaches around.
  5. How did you find the communicator parts by the way? I dug around on the beaches for a while but wasn't finding anything.
  6. Productive morning. Donated 15 bits to Blathers so gotta wait now for the museum to open, upgraded all my tools, visited Will and another random island to get supplies and new fruit. Nice to be able to explore a bit more as well now with the vaulting pole.
  7. Time to log back in and look for some evening bugs/fish
  8. It’s a shame the same doesn’t happen with stones. I expect to run out and not be able to make an axe again tonight. Got one while fishing though which helped a bit lol.
  9. If it helps, I’ve got a slingshot and have been shooting down lots of presents
  10. I’ve never done the time travelling in Animal Crossing games. I appreciate having something to do each day and never wanted to mess around with that.
  11. I’ve now just got a big pile of fish and bug tanks outside my house while I wait for Blathers to arrive tomorrow. I’ve already picked all my peaches so when they grow back I’ll open up my island so anyone who wants to come get them to plant on their own islands can do.
  12. Ok then, the Island of Krakoa is up and running and we have peaches! Not much else to say other than god I love Animal Crossing. Had to pull myself away otherwise the cats wouldn’t be fed this morning.
  13. https://kotaku.com/gamestop-we-can-stay-open-during-lockdowns-because-wer-1842415962 GameStop losing it during the pandemic. I also saw reports of them telling staff to buy their own cleaning supplies and forcing managers to reopen gaming kiosks that they'd closed to avoid contamination.
  14. Yeah Enterprise covered it. It was the Klingons trying to recreate the augment genetics that created Khan, got turned into a virus somehow and then turned the Klingons more human looking. It ended with them saying within a few generations they’d regain their Klingon features.
  15. https://www.resetera.com/threads/devs-react-to-ps5-specs-twitter-edition.175980/ Thread on Era showing some of the developer comments about the PS5.
  16. My understanding of the top 100 games comment was that all games need to be checked to see if they need any work doing to become backwards compatible (with them saying the majority were and some would need a patch) and they just used the top 100 games as a starting place.
  17. I don’t think that’s fair, I just don’t think any of us understand the complexities of this as much as we might like to think. When Cerney was talking about backwards compatibility he wasn’t talking about hardware but logic etc so it’s obviously more than just the parts they use.
  18. Bet this 3D audio will be massive for VR
  19. No different to how MS does it now then I guess. Sounds like the majority work immediately and then I assume the rest will get updates. Sounds fine to me.
  20. Well he mentioned launch at year end so doesn’t look like they are planning to push it back just yet
  21. Definitely a talk originally meant for GDC but it’s an interesting watch.
  22. How do I check the status of my online subscription? I have no idea if it’s still active or not.
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