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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I played a few hours on PS3 years ago but never got properly into it so I’m looking forward to playing the remaster someday, I’m still slowly working my way through Kiwami 2 though so it’ll be a while.
  2. Somehow I knew this would be your choice. I remember you defending it at the time 😆
  3. I expect daily updates
  4. Looks like Firefly is on Amazon Prime Video.
  5. Decided you all needed to be updated on Toffee and Tribble
  6. Wahey! Hey Buttons!
  7. I brought back the 'How Was Your Day?' thread the other week. I figured you'd realise I did that specifically for you!
  8. Did you ever get around to moving onto 4 @Julius?
  9. Did anyone ever read any of these books? I've got them on a wishlist waiting for a price drop for Kindle but I've been bouncing between too many books as it is lately. @Cubehow about you? You loved Firefly right?
  10. I have a feeling if we do get more members popping in for a visit I might get similar responses! I was just saying the other day that I can't wait to be able to ask people how their day was again without getting a sarcastic response!
  11. Started re-reading Geoff Johns Teen Titans run this week. Such a good collection and getting me all nostalgic as that was when I was still really into DC.
  12. Nice to see you back! Hopefully one of the admins will see this and see if they can do anything with your original account. How've you been?
  13. Looking back on Rokhed's last load of posts on here is very embarrassing. Rokhed lashed out at a lot of people and a lot of the time randomly but there was a lot of transphobia being thrown back. It's amazing how much (I hope) opinions on that kind of stuff have changed. Obviously not nearly where we should be but for example I doubt I gave it a second thought when it was happening then but now there's no way I'd let that stand.
  14. Something like that. I think I still have her? on my Xbox friends list.
  15. Started watching 'A Place Further than the Universe' this week. Wasn't massively sold after the first episode but I've heard good things so I'm willing to keep going. To be fair to them it was just setting up the basic premise. Anyone else seen it?
  16. Actually, I just notice that the NITRO book is on sale on Kindle today so I think I'll grab it.
  17. One for New Japan thats been on my list for a while is 'Eggshells: Pro Wrestling In The Tokyo Dome' but with my NJPW knowledge only stretching back a few years I've held off on it until I watch more of their backlog. There's also another WCW one called 'NITRO: The Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse of Ted Turner's WCW' but I haven't read that yet. I think there are quite a few general industry ones out there, I just never know which are worth reading lol.
  18. Regarding threads like that, I would talk about those but at the moment I just have those discussions elsewhere because they either don't happen here or when they do they don't last long. Tis a vicious circle tis is.
  19. Anyone got any recommendations for some good wrestling books? I was gonna move onto Jericho's first autobiography but I fancy a more general book first, something maybe focusing on the 80s and 90s. I've already read The Death of WCW (which was great by the way).
  20. Now that I've started riding again I'm listening to more podcasts than I used to so could use some recommendations as it's been years since I really put effort into seeing whats out there. I quite like roundtable type discussion ones, maybe focused on specific things like movies etc but I'm happy to hear any recommendations (apart from the Nintendo Cafe, I already know that one).
  21. Rokhed?
  22. To be fair a lot of the people I'm thinking of were big posters in General Chit Chat. The toxicity that came a few years ago was mostly contained to the Nintendo section and has been suggested before, if we really want to sort that then we can just given Sheikah and Ronnie their own section People may not come back or reply at all but this section especially is pretty dead and I don't see an issue with attempting to bring some life back to it or even just finding out how some old members are doing these days.
  23. With Liberty City and then Vice City after it I felt like I really knew the cities. I could just drive around and know where I was going. I don’t really get that anymore as you spend more time following the gps markers these days.
  24. Day 11 - Favourite Town/Village Technically a city but I’m gonna go with Yokosuka in Shenmue, specifically Dobuita. You spend so much time there day after day, really getting to know the local people. I loved the sense of familiarity from that and thought it was something the sequels lacked.
  25. Is Sakura Wars any good? (Other than the navigation obviously!)
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