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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. I wish I was dead in his place.
  2. A mafia roleblocker, maybe?
  3. I targeted Peeps last night, but was roleblocked.
  4. Yeah, I know, was just remembering a random fact, hence the brackets.
  5. Born This Way, in the order I love the songs [Excluding the three bonuses, which I haven't had time to digest properly]: Marry The Night Judas Scheiße Hair Highway Unicorn Government Hooker Bad Kids Born This Way You And I Heavy Metal Lover Edge Of Glory Americano Electric Chapel Bloody Mary Judas is surprisingly still a firm fave. Basically, I prefer only to talk to the first 7 on that list (/8 if I'm in the mood /9 if I'm telling a joke / Heavy Metal Lover is worth it too, and probably should be higher).
  6. [Read somewhere that the period between the times the stegasaurus and the T Rex existed is greater than the time period between [whichever was around later] and now.]
  7. Well how are you defining war? Do tribal wars count?
  8. Vote: EddieColeslaw I wish I could be strong, without the scheiße.
  9. To be fair, I have an obvious favourite sister. Hannah Montana is the worst. {Miley Cyrus is the best thing in my life though.}
  10. Vaguely related: my tutor is one of the leading experts on thin liquid films, and the dynamics of, and recently published a paper about rain and water ripples in very shallow pools, which apparently has an aspect to it which is stunningly breakthrough.
  11. Of course, I'm stunned by all the beats. Stunned by prostitute imagery, rife. BUT, what I really want to hear is the alternative album which Hair, You And I and Edge Of Glory are from.
  12. (I meant Born This Way remix) Yeah, I love Robot Unicorn Attack Sex.
  13. I'm loving every feeling. Hair is the best thing in my life. The Judas remix makes the classiest album into not the classiest album. I don't understand the need for its presence??
  14. Yeah, it adds so much. Makes a rather boring sentence into something interesting to look and and consider. Posting a whole post in brackets is like you're poking your head into the thread, and don't want to cause too much of a scene. "Driving (us) mad" hints that he originally wrote "me", but then wanted to subtley reference the fact we all love Claire.
  15. (Am really stunned.)
  16. No, I was just quoting Avril Lavigne. / yes, because it was such an effort to orchestrate in the first place.
  17. Realistically, I just can't be bothered with overanalysing things to extreme levels. In any other circle of players both Eddie and Dyson would have been lynched ages ago. I anticipate a landslide mafia victory, mostly because its so annoying to do anything this game without getting massively scrutinised -- to the point that the mafia can hide in plain sight just because its so effortous to call people out on anything. Hopefully people will realise this, and in future games won't be so conservative with their vote.
  18. Yeah, can someone start a new game? I kinda enjoy smaller ones, where everything feels petite and worth your money though. Like, I hate how big games it feels like you have to invest so much time and effort. My favourite game ever was only 12 players, and only lasted like 6 days, but felt so compact and everyone had a great opinion on the matter.
  19. Today was the worst day, I went through hell, I wish I could erase it from my mind. Woke up at 8am, having gone to bed at 9pm. Then fell asleep again, and came round at 11. Definite case of oversleeping. Everything was grey. Last day of my teenage years. Hung around college wishing I were... Texted people, wishing for contact, but everyone had their own business to attend to. But then texted the guy I've been seeing, assuming the answer would be no because he seems to have a busy life (is a PHD student), but he was overwhelmingly enthusiastic about it. So met up for coffee with him, and chattered away for an hour, loving the feeling. Now officially been on 5 dates with him. Which is more than double the amount of times we've slept together, which I'm pretty sure is a gay miracle. BUT, realised I was missing a hospital appointment, and wished so much upon myself, but he was really calming about the whole affair. NOW going to go have diunner at KFC, because I need chemically enhanced meat.
  20. Your current avatar is the best thing. Why would you change it?
  21. Eleven days since the day that we met. Eleven days that I'll never forget. (Of course you're a May birthday though. Many of the bests are.)
  22. ... .. . edit
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