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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. That's why you watch them the night they come out, and don't watch trailers. So shit doesn't impinge on your vision.
  2. That is the Greatest post.
  3. Nice thread. My sister once said to me that popularity doesn't exist in the same way at university than it does at school. She used to be Queen Bee at her secondary, so coming from her it was a very striking thing, and it stuck with me. And I think its true. People at college have commented before that I'm 'exclusive' with my friendships. I deleted 200 friends from Facebook, and now only have about 30 people from college as friends, where the done thing is to add everyone from college. But I don't want to be friends with everyone. My friend Laura said "It's strange how you're cool, but have very few friends". I just heh'ed at her. So many people are just irrelevant to me. They're nice, and cool enough, and I'll smile at them if I pass, and share a nice convo if we're waiting in the queue at lunch, but I have no desire to be friends with them. [To me, a friend is someone that you can trust.] I have several really close friends. I think I'm pretty lucky actually, because many of them feel accidental. Like, I'm living with James next year, and he's literally the most inspiring person in my life, and I met him in my first week in Oxford when I was pretending to smoke, so I could get out of the most awkward social event ever. I love that I have a psychic rapport with Paj! too. It's easy. I got rid of everyone on Facebook that makes me feel awkward. Why should I have in my life people that impose themselves upon me and make me feel awkward and wrong? The people I'm friends with, I hold close. [but I'm scared I'm turning into my Dad, who's a social recluse.] Re: Male/Female. About 35 people came to my party last week. 14 were girls, the rest gay guys. Literally no straight guys came. It was lol.
  4. Oh, perhaps that was the wrong word. I meant class as in a group, classified by a common trait.
  5. No, I think people need to be sensitive and not make jokes about issues that have held a whole class of people shackled for the majority of recorded history. I'd understand if it were pointing out how awful the guy in the video is, but it isnt at all, there's just a "Women should make sandwiches and be there when Im horny. Am I right lads?" vibe. And it's not even a good Beyonce parody, so...
  6. I'm not sure how that's funny.. on any level. I thought at first it was an ironic take on the stupidity of anti-feminism, but then I'm not sure it's even that... it's just awful, not funny, and vaguely offensive.
  7. A genuinely really flattering compliment, thanks!
  8. If it's any consolation, for day-to-day arithmetic, there's not very many reasons why you'd need to know the salient piece of information that multiplication happens before addition, and I don't think it's that great a measure of someone's intelligence whether they can or cannot carry out that sum correctly.
  9. Well we could be working in the set {0, 3, 녫, 10, ī, 99920}, which could have it's own crazy rules which tells us (10 x 0) = 3. So I assumed we were working in Z, so standard arithmetic would apply. [Z is a subset of everything "above" it, so if you're working in Z, you're also working in Q, R, C, H etc etc]
  10. Well my house is stunningly a listed building, as an example of forward-thinking 50s modernist/brutalist architecture, so of course there'd be brick walls randomly. But yeah, I feel it is a bit bare. I fail. [And I am insane.]
  11. Yes. [but people debate whether 0 is a natural number, hence why I said Z.]
  12. I get my gym membership free. Why would I pay for it?
  13. Not quite sure what you're asking. Things are defined from the "bottom up", so binary operations on N are defined first, then they naturally extend to "bigger" number systems, so things that work in something lower works in something higher (but not the other way round -- you can't necessarily square-root in things lower than R.) H is the Hamiltonians, which are kinda like higher-dimensional complex numbers.
  14. Anything "bigger" than Z. [ie. Q, R, C, H etc etc]. Could or couldn't be N (natural numbers), because it's down to convention whether 0 is or isn't a member of the natural numbers. EDIT: Or it could be some abstract set, simplest being {0,10}, which you could define a Cayley table for [which would tell you how to multiply and add each of the members].
  15. Well, there's no possible way it could be 20 (under conventional definition of + and x), since at some point in the calculation you're times'ing by 0, which always sends any value to 0. If you defined addition to be distributive over multiplication, you'd have 10 + 10 x 0 = (10 + 10) x 0 = 20 x 0 = 0 But realistically the answer is 10.
  16. Well, making the assumption that we're working in Z (the integers, or whole numbers), and that multiplication is distributive over addition (ie. times'ing happens before plus'ing), the answer is 10 + (10x0) = 10 + 0 = 10.
  17. The most stunning thing you've ever posted.
  18. To be fair, they've not specified what mathematical structure we're working with. All of those answers could be correct.
  19. It's like the saxophone player couldn't hear himself or something -- it was really restrained, in a bad way. I think Edge of Glory is ok/fine, but it's so much less intense than the rest of the album. It's interesting she chose it as a single, because it's probably one of the hardest to perform, vocally. Although her live vocals are always great, so its fine. I kinda hate how all the male backing dancers in existence have gayface. Just makes for a really unconvincing performance. Although does alleviate some of the horrificness of the quasi-rape choreography.
  20. But then there are people who morally abstain from "bad" fashion (ie. clothes made from sweatshops etc) in the same way some people abstain from "bad" food (ie. food prepared in an inhumane or unsustainable manner), so you learn to deal with it. (Shouldn't use ""s, because I agree on both fronts that certain fashions and foods are bad. Thinking of becoming a vegetarian at some point, when I can get over my love for meat.)
  21. Yeah, forces you to question why polygamy isn't more of a thing.
  22. [No one seems to recognize the fact that the meat dress was a homage to Jana Sterbak's 1987 work "Vanitas: Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic", all about fashion/vanity/feminity/being a piece of meat and conforming to everyone's perceptions of beauty. Everyone seems to mock GaGa for wearing it, but in my opinion it's actually a pretty involved act of self-criticism, which I'm into. ]
  23. (Don't really understand how people can afford to buy / are prepared to spend money on games consoles that they already have. It seems to happen surprisingly often in this thread. Who was it that was collecting all the different type/coloured DSes or something?)
  24. Gym win, to be fair.
  25. Ditto/ditto. I spent £900 on 3-week interrailing, which KILLED me. Looking to be cunted on MDMA for 4 weeks, in a Berlin club. What's the cheapest option?
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