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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. If that's the case [which I don't think it] lynching him would get the mafia even closer to majority. --- Being diplomatic, I'd prefer to lynch Smeagol first, because he's been least involved, and therefore deserves to win least.
  2. Danny / Dazz, it's really obvious you're both mafia. The playacting is cute, but realistically.
  3. Yeah, after everyone else was like "Yeah, she's scummy as fuck."
  4. ---- WHY are we trusting Dazz, who's given us nothing all game? It's pretty obvious the mafia almost outnumber the town now -- if we lynch a townie, we lose. FLink, ReZ, Tales, Zell please help lynch Smeagol.
  5. I feel this is the mafia doing one last push to secure their victory. Let's vote Smeagol who we've known is mafia for ages. Ell blocked him on the night there was no kill.
  6. @Ashley, @jayseven, @heroic -- Yes, point awarded.
  7. Was playing on the word sinister, which archaicly means left (as opposed to right) -- you can't consistently orientate yourself on the Klein bottle. But I'll give you a point, because you're great.
  8. Uh-huh. Over 8.1 million sales. When variation within conformity became the favourite thing. Point awarded.
  9. Yes, so why would I ask about its sinisterness? Yes! Natasha Bedingfield features on Nicki Minaj's Last Chance. Point awarded. The choices were: Neil Young Neko Case Nelly Furtado Neon Indian Neutral Milk Hotel New Young Pony Club Nicki Minaj Nicole Atkins No Doubt Noah And The Whale
  10. Technically both wrong and right simultaneously, becuase 2 of the 3 are correct, and the other I only have as a feat. (which I don't actually have written down in the song info).
  11. Nice. Point awarded. [Although, total war happened in China in the BCs, when China was unified under the Han empire, and after. I think of battle of Nagashino 1575 as the first modern battle; first time gunpowder was used to decimate a cavalry charge, and it's said to be the event that caused the downfall of honourous battle, and the samurai.]
  12. Sorry, try again!
  13. Correct! Eenuh secures a point with her quasi-political knowledge!
  14. Thats technically 5/6/7/howevermany issues / not the answer I'm looking for, because it actually sold not amazingly at the time, relative to its impact. Talking a single issue. Well it's a subjective question. You tell me the answer, and your reasons why.
  15. Why the question mark?
  16. My turn! 1) What's sinister about Klein's bottle? Zell remains top of the topology class. 2) What do you consider the world's first modern battle? Give reasons why. Tales flexes his historical muscle. 3) Write a creation story, to explain how the world and humanity came to be. [Point may not be given if not long / involved enough. Should be fantastical.] The Peeps stunned us all. 4) In my iTunes library, I have 10 artists/bands whose name begins with N. Name 3 for the point. Dazz revises last.fm with guile 5) Prove Pythagorus' theorem. Heroicjanitor shows us the right an(gle)(swer). 6) What is the bestselling comic book in history (according to Guiness World Records)? ReZ is the best at what he does. 7) What are the names of Barack and Michelle Obama's children? Eenuh swipes it. 8) Give an example of neologism in action, by quoting a respected/revered author/writer. jayseven shazeems the prize. 9) Whose Shakespeare film adaptation ends with a surreal diva-pop marriage sequence? Paj is really good at film school... 10) Give 8 examples of words/phrases commonly used in day-to-day English which have been appropriated from other languages. [For example: raison d'etre] Ashley, blatantly the most cultured here.
  17. Yes. I was reading back some old HCR posts a while ago, and it's just cringelol. Like... I don't understand what our bag was. And then the Rule 3 years -- the 2 seasons of the TV show where the whole format changes, and it gets mixed reviews, but ultimately it's worth watching. Not been on that site for like 2/3/4 years or something. But yeah, you've always been there. Whether adjacent, or 10 away. Either way, always been in range to use your PC.
  18. She's obviously ultra-sex-positive, given that she's seen most people naked.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. It's fine Adele's had her time in the sun.
  21. Vote: Smeagol Should have happened half the game ago.
  22. (As well as Dyson. Otherwise this list will last about 3 years.)
  23. (Can someone else start a game?)
  24. You're all bad, and forgetting one of my favourite members.
  25. 6) The fireman is the only one that's necessarily male, and all the others are women.
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