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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. BUMP. ....
  2. You'll have no experience of not existing, therefore you always exist.
  3. After several misses, I was critically hit in the last few minutes.
  4. Why am I so stunned by the majority of the #1 covers?
  5. You can only answer 1 question correctly per round.
  6. 2. Who are the the five members with the most posts and how many does each have? Ashley 24,206 ReZourceman 23,582 Dante 17,165 Cube 16,922 Fierce_LiNk 16,466
  7. 7. Name 5 members who live in Ireland. raining_again Diageo EddieColeslaw My Buttons are magic! / nando /
  8. Was at a houseparty last night. Really good. Took quite a lot though, so anticipate not being able to sleep properly until Tuesday. Did manage 5 hours sleep earlier though. Had a fantastic night though -- was so ready for it to be hedonistic, but there was no one there appropriate, so instead I just lay about loving life. Someone took James' bag though, which had my jumper and his most precious diary in it (which has his entries from when his boyfriend commited suicide) which was obviously a massive deal for him, and put a downer on the night. And meant I had to walk the 2 miles home at 9am in a t-shirt. [i had my iPod, and Super Bass to listen to, on repeat, so it was fine.] Now have 7 hours worth of work to do before noon tomorrow morning. It's fine though, I'm surprisingly alert.
  9. And why would you assume the timeline is continuous?
  10. I don't think I was off the mark with Smeagol, given that Tales wouldn't vote for him.
  11. Well Franklin Richards fucks with the time stream all the time, it's no big deal. It's only because we live in a linear non-alter-dimensional world that we cling so firmly onto continuity. Accept that there's time-travel and dimensional variance, and then enjoy the film for what it gives to you.
  12. Genuinely not sure why Dannyboy didn't kill Nintendohnut/Smeagol. The reason I was so sure he was mafia because which town killer doesn't kill the suspected neutrals?
  13. Spent 9 hours working and got 8 past paper exam questions done. Productive day.
  14. Feels like it could be the basis of a mafia game.
  15. Go on Orange Wednesday, realistically. (I paid £3.65 for my ticket).
  16. Except the whole point of drag, if done well/right, is that it makes fun of binary gender, and is actually pretty empowering for the queer community. The main people who would argue against it are shit essentialist feminists, awful trans people, and people who know nothing about the culture.
  17. Thanks!


    Can't say I have advice better than anyone else -- I'm naturally stick thin (and actually used to have problems putting weight on!) -- I swim a lot, and cycle/walk everywhere. Do squats.


    Good luck!

  18. I took this in October: Didn't do anything from December to March, and started going to the gym relatively intensively since then. I think the "after" picture is helped a lot by the fact that I'm naturally very thin, and therefore the upper body looks more pronounced against my slim waist / torso. I mean, I'm probably a lot less strong than most, considering I'm still pretty light [Newton's second law, and all that]. [ReZ, spot my favourite possession in the background.]
  19. It's all about identity politics, innit.
  20. I think it depends totally on who's telling the joke. Like, if siennadenima makes a joke about trannies saying "Only live things go in my pussy, and only dead things come out", it's fine, because he's blatantly the most queer person in existence, whereas if Chris Moyles made the same joke, I'd be on the first coach to London to kill him.
  21. Yeah Famke's Phoenix was a bit "meh". She's great in X1/X2.
  22. I hate Stephen Fry.
  23. Rogue in X1 is stunning. They turned a "fuck is this?" comicbook character into an engaging and believable film character. Cylcops and Jean fit well. More realistic versions of their comic book counterparts.
  24. At the end of the day, if I'm genuinely offended by something, I'll do shit about it. On Monday, at dinner, I was sat next to a guy who I'm vaguely friendly with, who I've had a couple of shared experiences with in the past. We were talking about Requiem For A Dream, which I saw recently. Standard conversation -- interesting direction, nice music, bit "off-the-wall" (his terms, not mine) blah blah.. THEN he said "And that scene with Jennifer Connelly and the dildo was so hot." with a bit of a smile on his face. Not even laughing in a sort of "I know it's wrong and I'm being ironic" way, in a "I'm such a lad, and that floats my boat" way. I literally placed my knife and fork down onto the plate. One of the few times in life I've genuinely felt disgusted. Like... the whole point of the film is to slam into your face the dreadfulness of drugs and drugs culture that goes with it. The point of the film is to make you feel violated, and make you wish the system of power which forces people into prostitution didn't exist. It's feasible that you might find that scene arousing, but really, you should NOT be broadcasting that. Not only did he ignore the fact that the sexual act was pretty much non-consensual and the women were literally objects to be played with, he totally missed the point. I kinda just didn't say anything, then a second later changed the subject to how it was interesting that the mother rebought the TV over and over, and that was an addiction in itself. Just left me thinking "Well now I know why we're not better friends."
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