At the end of the day, if I'm genuinely offended by something, I'll do shit about it.
On Monday, at dinner, I was sat next to a guy who I'm vaguely friendly with, who I've had a couple of shared experiences with in the past. We were talking about Requiem For A Dream, which I saw recently. Standard conversation -- interesting direction, nice music, bit "off-the-wall" (his terms, not mine) blah blah.. THEN he said
"And that scene with Jennifer Connelly and the dildo was so hot."
with a bit of a smile on his face. Not even laughing in a sort of "I know it's wrong and I'm being ironic" way, in a "I'm such a lad, and that floats my boat" way.
I literally placed my knife and fork down onto the plate. One of the few times in life I've genuinely felt disgusted. Like... the whole point of the film is to slam into your face the dreadfulness of drugs and drugs culture that goes with it. The point of the film is to make you feel violated, and make you wish the system of power which forces people into prostitution didn't exist. It's feasible that you might find that scene arousing, but really, you should NOT be broadcasting that. Not only did he ignore the fact that the sexual act was pretty much non-consensual and the women were literally objects to be played with, he totally missed the point.
I kinda just didn't say anything, then a second later changed the subject to how it was interesting that the mother rebought the TV over and over, and that was an addiction in itself.
Just left me thinking "Well now I know why we're not better friends."