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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. I was stunned at how good Tomb Raider was in comparison to Uncharted. My order is probably; Uncharted 2 = Tomb Raider Uncharted 3 Uncharted All of them being 11/10, would smash, would cheeseburger, cri evertim%.
  2. Supposedly 623 pieces. Probably be £60. Possibly seems extortionate to me, but LEGO is always extortionate. Its got some cool pieces!
  3. People are using Simple Games instead of Shopto huh? Interesting. You had my curiosity...
  4. 7:30pm sounds great for me on Tuesday, AKA tomorrow.
  5. Ininininiin. I am a 297 lad
  6. How was it fellas?
  7. Ruin Wings are one of my favourite exotics, so if you are Titan, then I'd consider it. Strange coins are fine these days anyway. Have a look at the special abilities for the Exotic Fusion Rifle. When you upgrade it, you'll unlock those abilities. I'd say keep it, no need to dismantle exotics, its cool to collect them, like Pokemon card shinies.
  8. Cheers for the bants. Glad to have finally completed that portion of the Raid, that was my third attempt. #WeveSteppedIntoAWarWithTheCabalOnMars #ValusToArAk #DoughnutMouth #Speech #ThinkYourParentsWantYouBlackSkull Yo Shorty, WTF was your swag son? Pics or didn't happen/.
  9. Had crazy fun with the Raid last night. Nice difficulty level, very fun and complex enough to still be enjoyable. It has a nice rhythmic feel to it if that makes sense. I guess we got just over half way through? First time I tried *that boss* and whilst hard, and we didn't manage it, I now have a good understanding and it by no way feels impossible.
  10. Too early to bag a space on a full team next week raid?
  11. Oh sorry, didn't mean to spoil that. It's technically slang anyway, as it's not what that bit is.
  12. I'd like to raid tomorrow, for sure. Slash this week. I'm 288 light, know bits of the raid as I've been jumping in with random groups.
  13. Jesus fu.... Awful. No.
  14. Well you know what they say. A delayed game has a chance of being good, but a rushed game may very well be bad!
  15. I would like to, so will whenever I can.
  16. I don't know if it's new but Bill Nighy can trade pretty much all materials for any other materials, so they might not be worthless. I'm at 231 light and hoping to smash it on and off today. If it's not already been said; bagsy a spot on the Friday Raid if someone drops out.
  17. So Solar team can't make Friday? Because 8pm would've been perfect.... ...And it'd be #SuperFun to do it the same time as Arc team.
  18. via Imgflip Meme Maker
  20. Ubi I Soft's stuff looked great.
  21. I am in. Yes.
  22. Hmmm. Might pre-purchase I guess.
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