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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I've also got the results of the predictions. Anyone think they've won it? I'll release the results tomorrow!
  2. It stopped being funny when he went over the edge.
  3. So fish and hamsters?
  4. And the championship is mine for another season! Unlucky @MadDog, you've been there all season and I thought pesky @Tales beating me was my championship over, only to find Rowan (hero) getting a win over you. Woo!
  5. Woah, I wouldn't personally choose to have a rabbit, and if I did, I'd make sure it had a big enough area to move about in, not just a hutch. I was talking more about dogs and cats who have more of a free roam.
  6. That is when it tends to be winter and therefore tends to be worst in most places :p
  7. My name means: "The Lord is my God" Boo.
  8. I actually think the referee had a really good game until the incident. I'm undecided whether he made the right choice or not, but I'm leaning towards a red. I've seen the replays and he does get the ball, but his feet are up and after getting the ball his feet are dangerously high. He wanted a bit of afters with Dembele (think it was him anyway) and just went too far. I think a draw was deserved, Liverpool didn't completely dominate and Fulham had their good chances and the goal was a little bit of a clanger from Reina who is usually amazing.
  9. Luckily I am off on study leave, so at 12:32 I shall be finding out the score. Fortunately no-one decided to dirty trix me. I wondered if MadDog was THAT desperate to win :p
  10. I think releasing domesticated animals into the wild would in fact do them more harm than good. I understand that they rely on us and we determine when they are fed, what they are fed etc but we provide safety and care that they would not obtain in the wild. We still allow freedom to most animals but I can see the point of a snake in a tank for example. Even though Ramar tried and failed to make a joke he has a point, that Rabbit would suffer severely somewhere in the wild however it is a lot safer and well kept in its hutch.
  11. I enjoyed the pun! I think people definitely see White Hart Lane a lot worse than many other stadiums for disrespectful actions from supporters.
  12. I know most are fake, but they're usually at least close typos!
  13. I can't tell if you're joking or actually serious about comparing Fritzl's treatment to that of a pet.
  14. No, I don't think people looking for human characteristics in cats because we find them cute has much relevance in seeing someone feed a kitten to a snake.
  15. Where do you even get your basis for the idea about anthropomorphising being relevant in this case? Also, I think a lot of these posts (mine included) are more concerned about the manner the kitten was killed rather than the fact it was eaten by a snake. The person stopped the Kitten getting away and the enjoyed gain from the person filming I believe is what most people are truly disgusted about.
  16. The new video sounds just as sick.
  17. The letters aren't even close to make a typo. I DO NOT BELIEVE.
  18. I can see myself losing this game. I can't bear the 25 hour wait to go! May the best Essex team win Madpool
  19. #Happybirthday
  20. I'm not really appalled by the fact it is a kitten, it is more that the person stop the kitten getting away from the snake like it wanted to by distracting it and making sure the kitten was eaten. That's sick, and the fact the person must have enjoyed it so much that there's more to come apparently.
  21. Which you don't have any of!
  22. It is not a fact that Spurs are ' far, far superior to Arsenal.' Just needed to point this out.
  23. Oh no, MoTD doesn't decide to waste time by showing loads and loads of passing to people who don't care about Arsenal taking forever to do something.
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