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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. NExt time I get that on isketch I'm going to draw his avatar. Had no idea what to draw earlier so ended up insulting ReZ
  2. I was literally just about to post this. Beat me to it! Hilarious though.
  3. Full of people I like so I expect it to be pretty good when I see it.
  4. All praise Claire, she managed to guess my 'clutter' isketch drawing!
  5. Come on Jay! Stop letting our team down!
  6. Anyone free?
  7. I've actually put on a little bit weight which I've been trying to do for a while.
  8. Been done! :p
  9. Jeebus the hate patrol are out tonight. Someone has died, shouldn't a little courtesy be shown? Sure she's probably done this all herself but a death is a death. She should've listened to Mr.Mackey.
  10. Yes, because everyone got Urban Chaos
  11. i created room!
  12. I'm the same as Dazz, I right-click and copy URL and it just comes up with one long code with no other usable options.
  13. Can people still invite? Who should I PM?
  14. I meant showed me. But I like how what I said sort of makes sense.
  15. I died in the first night. Cheers Murray. I'd just like to say, I chose Dazz as my first target because he does not talk. No idea why you were so adamant that made it sound mafia/ a stupid thing to do. My role would make people post more so I think choosing you Dazz (Chair was a close second choice) was right. Some nice roles ReZ. Shame I died to early to carry on keeping up with it.
  16. That's similar to the barrage of status' posted by the Americans about revenge on Pearl Harbour when the Tsunami hit the Japanese. I think Ashley should be a collage of the many disgusting comments made. Some people.
  17. I heard this too on the radio earlier. They were also finally getting around to deporting a very outspoken man known for inciting speeches back to Iraq, after a long time. The man has links to Al Qaeda apparently so there have been links, albeit tenuous, made to that as well.
  18. I don't really go to BK, I think their prices are higher for a simple burger. Bic Mac's I usually have but nowadays I rarely go MacDonalds. I'd prefer KFC but there aren't many about or at least not in my area anyway it seems so I haven't had that for a long time. MacDonalds chips are better than BK, whereas I think the best milkshakes used to be KFC but now they do 'Krushems'? Is that right? Also, I believe subway is fast food and the prices aren't bad for a sub of the day otherwise they also start to get expensive!
  19. Just completed the first Professor Layton, 116/120 main riddles on first go. Couldn't find the other 4 Did the advanced ones after some serious thinking! Now I see what all the fuss about Layton is. Great games. Though the storyline is predictable early on.
  20. Well if she's working why don't you just ask another time?
  21. Vote: Peeps He may still be preparing to win this somehow.
  22. Monster is great, I concur. I really need to see/finish GiTS:SAC. I quite enjoyed it and can't remember why I stopped.
  23. I just spent ages catching up on it all. All I kept reading was rain. Glad I was away in the sun. And away from ReZ.
  24. I'm back! I missed not having any sort of communication with the world. My phone's abroad fees are extortionate so I was practically in a bubble for the last week. How was the meet/someone sum it up for me!
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