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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. God damn it Gizmo stop being fucking right all the time
  2. Same, I think ones with keyboard would be better for me, yet the pull-out part always seems too flimsy for me. One drunken night I'd snap the hinges and so I went for a single pieced phone instead.
  3. Unfortunately, I think he may be part of the act. He's in other videos as well I thought this was special. Still funny though.
  4. Why should it be £10M?
  5. I thought the exact same thing, I'd done loads of sidequests but not gotten far, but today I finished off Shishkebaboo. Took me a few goes because I didn't realise what I had to do!
  6. Can't wait to watch Soccer AM again and just get into it all over again. Who has made a fantasy football team? I've already made mine, should I make a league and give people the number of the league? Turns out it is really easy: Number: 428641-167071
  7. Yeah, Sheikah, I once again agree with Charlie's point (eurgh). You chose to work on Sunday, you could not have the job because you want to rest, it is your choice to get the pay. I think I'm just holding a grudge because none of my jobs ever had time and a half =[
  8. So that fosters advert must drive you crazy then? :p
  9. Yes Hamiltonnnnn. Keep it going.
  10. I think that is different to what Charlie described. Work where you regularly do overtime/ work on Sundays (particularly in a retail styled job IMO) then overtime shouldn't be necessary. Whereas, bad management would require some sort of compensation. Work night shifts is also different, those really are unsociable hours.
  11. I just pulled it off google. Argue with Supergrunch (real or fake one) about it.
  12. Oh Ronnie: ban·ter/ˈbantər/ Noun: The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. Verb: Talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way: "the men bantered with the waitresses"; "a bantering tone" What most people say they had banter in is not simply friendly exchange of teasing remarks. It's when people shout it when they've done something outrageous to impress people. " I just pissed in a cup and Brian drank it. BANTERRRRRRR"
  13. How longs are days lasting for? A bit of notice would be niceeeee!
  14. Woah, so motorways don't need to be called 'M' with a number on it?!
  15. A motorway has an 'M' in its name whereas 'A' roads are dual carriageways AFAIK. Hope I'm not proved wrong
  16. Any up for a game?
  17. I was going to do so as well, but apparently the amount it is supposed to bring down on insurance is really insignificant nowadays so we decided it wasn't worth it. Also I'm awesome at driving so nothing could help improve it. :awesome:
  18. Someone did 'awkward turtle' in the pub yesterday, I stared at them bewildered by what the hell they were doing because it just looked ridiculous.
  19. I thought you were doing some intensive course by the amount of driving you did today. Or have you now passed and just not been on that particular road since failing your test. Sorry :p
  20. We're talking about sex, does that help you to understand?
  21. Intensive course? What are they actually like?
  22. Me too, says they've exceeded their limit for the moment.
  23. We say 'tapped'.
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