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Everything posted by Julius

  1. The cinematic trailers for The Old Republic never miss, do they?
  2. Somehow, Cyberpunk returned Series X gameplay: PS5 gameplay:
  3. Looks all but confirmed at this point: CDPR, guys, this quarter's already stacked
  4. Haven't seen anyone else mention it yet, but this is only going to be £15.99 (from the game's eShop page), the same price as Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. It's nice to see some consistency to S-E's pricing, I kind of figured they'd be trying to push this at an extortionate rate and taking advantage of the game's previous release situation.
  5. Julius


    Horizon Forbidden West set inbound! Unsurprisingly it's a Tallneck
  6. Seriously! I kind of view Attack on Titan like I do Demon Slayer -- while it would suck to get spoiled which makes me want to check out the manga (and also to know what happens next), the animation and music just elevate it so much for me that I simply can't bring myself to read the manga. I know you've read the manga, but out of curiosity, where would you rank what we've seen animated so far in S4 Pt. 2 with the rest of the show? For me, I really enjoyed S4 Pt. 1, but just because it was the first half of a season it was naturally never going to have as much tension and action compared to what we're getting right now, so for me it sat below S1 and S3 Pt. 2. But, just based on what we've got so far, S4 Pt. 2 is kind of just blowing them all out of the water for me. All killer, no filler. It's the first time in a long time where I'm tuning in for something the moment it drops! Hard to disagree with you, OP 2 has been played several times today and it kills. OP 1 is definitely more in your face, but like you say, OP 2 is just a slow grower. I really like ED 2 too, though I think I prefer ED 1 just for the funky energy it brings. Also gives me a heart attack every time in the latter stages of ED 2 when they start absolutely belting the lyrics
  7. Absolutely. This video where he talks about nearly committing suicide hits incredibly hard. Didn't deserve an ounce of hate - he was paid to do a job, and that's pretty much that. In fairness, this is what I was talking about when I was talking before about a piece of art - film, games, books, whatever - being timeless, and how we get much less of that these days. It's definitely not helped by oversaturation and rushed schedules, mind you. I loved The Force Awakens when it came out, I saw it five times in cinemas, I've listened to the OST hundreds of time, and the same goes for The Last Jedi to an extent (though I came out initially 50/50 on it, it grew on me during my other visits to the cinema to see it). There's stuff to like there, and The Force Awakens felt magical the first time I watched it, especially that opening act. But I really don't think they hold up as well to repeat viewings as a lot of the earlier Star Wars films, and in honesty, for me that's not just a sequel problem, that a Disney Star Wars film problem. None of them are really timeless. Sure it's subjective, I'm open to different opinions, and they don't need to be timeless - but when you're a Star Wars fan or a fan of anything and a new entry releases, comparing to what came before is only natural. Now, to the extent that directors, actors, and actresses are getting harassed? Not at all. If you have a problem with those films, in my eyes, direct it at the big wigs at the massive mouse-eared company that oversaw all of those films. There's a hell of a lot of studio interference to be found there, as I've mentioned before, and I mean, come on, just logically and taking away all of the sequel hate for a moment, putting my tinfoil hat on: I do not believe for a moment that any Star Wars fan, much less JJ Abrams, would make Rey a Palpatine. And then make her take the name of Skywalker. There are definitely things wrong with the film, and even I tend to say "oh, that's on Abrams", but that's more to do with his own mystery box approach to TFA coming back to haunt TROS rather than his direction. There's a reason we never got - and probably never will get - those Making Of books for the sequels! As for The Last Jedi specifically, I don't really care about Rotten Tomatoes and critics anymore. That was the film where I learned that I really don't care about a general consensus opinion on things that I care about and want to form my own opinions on, and it killed my enjoyment of a lot of movie reviewers and movie related channels. Forget jarring, it was straight up exhausting going through that film's critical narrative. All I'll say about Rotten Tomatoes is that I don't give it the time of day because of it being a Yes/No system which is easily skewed one way or the other, and it's flawed in that way like other score aggregation sites such as IMDb or Metacritic, where they have the issue that reviewers don't seem to know that the scale extends below a 7. Re: Rey and Snoke, it's not really a chicken and egg situation, and I don't blame the fans for talking about it so much, even if it did go too far. Like I said, The Force Awakens is written in a way that pushed the audience to ask those questions, and even if it wasn't, those questions were going to be asked anyways. It was incredibly effective at it, and again, Abrams is a master of raising those questions - but that's bordering on useless when you don't know the answers to begin with. Oh nice! I've been following its price ever since it first came out and have put it in and out of my online basket a whole lot over the years. One day, maybe! And yes, absolutely, Doug Chiang's work is phenomenal. I spent days as a kid just going through the pages of his and his team's concept art for Revenge of the Sith in the Making Of book, I just love imagery that gets your own creative pulse going. Iain McCaig is another! Honestly, Disney+ has generally just had such a weird marketing cycle for its shows. Other than that Investors Day meeting which was essentially a Disney+ Direct, they've been all over the place. We're three months away and have nothing but a poster and some concept art for Kenobi, which says it all. On the one hand I'm glad they're not showing much, but on the other, it makes it difficult to read how they're spacing the marketing for these shows, and so it's tough to figure out when Bad Batch is going to land. Oddly enough, I'm there with you, she had a lot more personality here than she's had in everything else she's appeared in. I can't tell if that's just emphasised further because they did so little with Boba, though. And I think you mean the Firespray gah, I hate that they changed it. I'm all for being more socially and culturally acceptable, but things like this and claims of cultural appropriation every single time there's some type of tribal savage on screen these days is incredibly frustrating! Yeah, Qui-Gon is a rare case, as he never completed his training and so isn't as much a Force ghost, but rather a Force voice? You watched the final arc of The Clone Wars when you watched it, right? In that Yoda can hear Qui-Gon and is guided by him, but everyone else thinks he's going nuts. By all means I think adding new lore and abilities is perfectly fine, but I think there needs to be some form of consistency, especially if it's something that's been explored in side material like The Clone Wars. Again, not necessarily blaming JJ even if it could have been his fault, but whoever had that idea to have Leia be a Force ghost doesn't understand the ramifications it brings, especially with so little context behind it. It brings about questions about the internal logic we already have of that system: what has Leia learned in her very limited time learning about the Force that means she would be able to come back that way, but not Ben, or other Jedi? That's my biggest issue with it. I'm glad you enjoyed that scene on Exegol, but personally I just cringed a lot. "I am all the Jedi" rings extremely hollow in the same year that we got "And I...am...Iron Man", and I think it kind of fell flat because it really should've been Rey and Ben going "We are all the Jedi", what with the focus of Palpatine for the entire film being their connection as a dyad in the Force. And it sucks that we probably didn't get Force ghost in IX because of wanting to fit in with China, but I think an even bigger missed possibility once Ben climbed out of the hole was to have his face lit up by flashes from the fight as he walked towards Palpatine, and have it cut between Adam Driver's face and Hayden Christensen's. Palpatine was always concerned about Vader (I mean, look at how restrictive he made his suit), so I think seeing something like that could have petrified him.
  8. Digital Foundry review of the tech side of things is always worth the watch: It's hard to disagree with you. I do find that with Nintendo games, even if I pick them up at launch, the value of the game staying roughly the same doesn't really allow for much space when it comes to buyer's remorse – so long as I still have that desire to play the game. Similar thing with older games I guess, if I can find them at a decent price and know that I still want to play them at some point down the line, I don't mind picking them up and popping them on the shelf. I have a few games on my shelf right now on PlayStation that I haven't got to and really should've waited for. Do I want to play them? Sure. Was the plan to play them Day 1? Maybe originally, sure, but there is definitely a difference for me when it comes to how I treat a game when it's a priority rather than not, and that's how my shelves have started looking a bit full. I'm trying to take this year as it comes and be a bit more flexible in my approach to dedicating time to games, which is proving especially helpful with how packed this quarter is. I know Elden Ring is coming out a week after Horizon, so it's a choice of which open world I want to experience first above all else, because I know that I don't have the time or energy to go through two open worlds consecutively, much less fly through one just for the sake of getting to another. Similarly I'm questioning if I should pick up Stranger of Paradise next month, because Elden Ring could easily be my fill of that style of game for a while, not to mention that there are plenty of other Final Fantasy games I could play. It's more to do with what you like, I guess. Play what and how you want to play, prioritise it how you want to, etc. There's a quality to first party PlayStation games where if I'm all in on it, then I'm going to be there Day 1, regardless of it being £70 at launch. But if there's a reasonable doubt in my mind over it - again, with Horizon, I really enjoyed the first game when it came to fighting machines and the story of the past, but so much else in that game just fell flat - then I think I need to get better at questioning if I want to be there Day 1, or if I'm getting caught up in the hype of the collective rather than my own.
  9. Early reviews are in, and they're looking very positive! It also looks like the game mechanic that was leaked before is being shown in reviews and marketing now. Very odd decision to leave sharing it so late, cool as it might be, so if you're trying to go in avoiding knowledge of what it is, it might be worth dodging the reviews.
  10. Teaser trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power – Looks okay, though I have seen some LOTR fans a bit concerned by just how clean a lot of it looks when compared to the movies. Guess we'll have to wait and see how it turns out!
  11. Attack on Titan really just said "Bangers Only" to this second part of The Final Season, didn't they? Another fantastic episode. Also made decent progress with Jujutsu Kaisen, will probably finish catching up in the next day or two. Still really loving the fight scene animation, but what's really hooking me right now is just how much each we get to see each character figuring out their opponent(s) during fights, and learning about their skills – it's giving me major Hunter x Hunter vibes in that sense, to say the least. And that's before mentioning that pacts are pretty similar to Kurapika's contracts, as well as the general use of contracts/pacts in HxH. So what I'm saying is that it's a serious take on Mob Psycho's initial premise of exorcisms combined with some elements of Demon Slayer in its combat/general flow so far and a sprinkling of HxH. There really isn't much to complain about. Well, other than the fact that the second OP is clearly a massive step down from the first (it's still good though, at least the chorus), and that the second ED is left in the dust by the first. It's still good...it's just nowhere near as good!
  12. checks the trophies on the first search result and sees Sekiro and Dark Souls III Yep, got to be the right one! Sent Yeah, it's not really something I've touched with the From games I've played so far, but something about those experiences felt so isolated anyways, maybe that's why. Elden Ring is definitely one I'll be looking to jump into the online stuff for though once I've beat it, I mean jolly open world co-op? Heck yeah, sign me up!
  13. Yeah it's a Superbowl car ad, but if you've watched The Sopranos, it's undeniably hard to not get chills watching this:
  14. New trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Official poster too:
  15. Yeah, Vaati's is fairly free of spoilers, he actually talks for what feels like a good five minutes at the start of his preview about not wanting to spoil things for people, so in his preview he basically limited himself to the opening area and its immediate surroundings - so stuff that we got in the CNT pretty much - and he covered the differences pretty extensively. I can see myself going with Vagabond or Warrior. I've gone with a pretty standard melee build in both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls (even more so in Dark Souls actually, as I actually made a bit of room for magic in Demon's Souls!) so feel most comfortable with that kind of build, but I do feel like magic and the like are going to be really helpful for ranged combat (such as in the open world), so will probably end up building a hybrid. PlayStation! Yourself? I'll probably solo the game first before heading online (figuring out and defeating bosses is my favourite thing about From games so far), but would love to head online with people at some point. Haven't really touched it up to this point in either Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, besides when getting invaded myself!
  16. Oh come on, everyone knows the reason they're so rare is that female JRPG bunny girls eat the male JRPG bunny dudes after mating Final Fantasy XIV bunny dude fans are freaking out right now Aye, Henry lived! ...or did he?... Yeah, he did
  17. Just shy of 50 hours, that's a wrap for me on Legends: Arceus. Damn it Game Freak, make our trainer...pages?...update with new photos please! I want to talk a bit about the final battles in the game. Spoiler tag containing endgame content incoming... And one last look at my final team and outfit for the game... I'm going to take a bit of time to listen to the soundtrack before sharing my final thoughts, but for now to sum up my time with the game in three words: I loved it!
  18. When I played Fire Emblem: Awakening, I was one of those players. I was about 20 minutes into a pretty long battle which I'd already reset a couple of times due to watching characters I liked take the fall, when I lost a character I didn't really care that much about. Rather than reset again, I let her die. Permanently. *villainous laughter* I mean, it was a bunny girl -- does losing her really count as a loss?
  19. You can farm Razor Claws by catching Sneasel, you know, like you can in the other games! And I forgot this because..? It only took catching eight of them (so changing the time of day once) in the Coroner Highlands to get the two I needed -- and I actually got them one after another. Picked up the Leaf Stone with all of the Merit Points I had collected and now have the item evolutions out of the way. Not far to go at all now, just the 8 Pokémon left, and they're all tied to Requests and Missions, so far as I can tell. Also nabbed a fifth (and potentially final?) shiny:
  20. I first heard about it in this SNES Drunk video a few years back. Every time I really start to get into a new hobby, I go hard on a research phase at some point, looking up lists, listening to podcasts, and reading up on a lot of things... probably too many things
  21. There are four tiers of completion as far as I can figure when it comes to completing the Dex. The second is as far as you need to go for what I guess can be considered the "true ending" (catching Arceus). The first one is, like in Diamond & Pearl with unlocking the rest of the Survival Area, you only have to see a Pokémon for it to count towards your Dex completion (i.e. register it). The second one is catching every Pokémon in order to unlock the "true ending" and see Arceus. This is what I'm currently doing, and what I imagine most will do. The third tier is completing every page to Research Level 10 to complete a Pokémon's page. Beyond completing the Dex, the only benefit I can find to this is that every tick on a page increases your shiny odds for that Pokémon, which, when coupled with what I imagine shows up as the reward for this tier (the Shiny Charm, at a guess?), it will raise your shiny hunting odds considerably. I imagine that this is probably made a much smoother process by first getting access to all of the mounts. The fourth tier is getting a perfect on every page. From what I gather, this will increase your shiny odds even more, but I can't seem to figure out if it a lands you a reward
  22. Made some more headway on the Dex, only got the 13 Pokémon left to catch now. 3 of these are locked behind item evolutions (I need a Leaf Stone and two Razor Claws), though I do have around half of the Merit Points I need to buy all three already, so will see how the satchel hunt goes before I might need to dive into a Rift, to either hunt for Leaf Stones or Razor Claws, and/or to hunt for the one of the three which can be found in Rifts - Weavile. The other 10 Pokémon I need are all tied to the remaining Requests and Missions, so there really isn't much left at this point! Spiritomb and Cherrim Requests are both out of the way too -- if anyone gets stuck at some point on the latter, this video has a helpful guide which utilises the weather in a way I hadn't seen any of the other guides I looked at mention. Anyways, during my RNG hunt for Cherrim, I got lucky and heard a shimmering noise while sprinting for a tree, so I turned to my right and what do you know, there was a shiny Buneary hiding out in the grass: I also got lucky and found probably my favourite Hisuian regional variant in shiny form during a mass outbreak, and it's easily my favourite of the shiny bunch so far: Glorious! Anyways, with not too much left to do at this point, I think there's a chance that I might be done with the game soon. I was thinking before about going for max rank, but at this point it's probably going to be a whole lot of grinding out research tasks just to see certain moves, so whether or not I do that will probably depend on if I'm in the grinding mood.
  23. Have you heard of our lord and saviour Kleavor?
  24. Damn, that's insane! Especially more so when you think it's a totally new IP when compared with most other 20+ million first party sellers for PS4 being from already established IP, like God of War and Spider-Man. I've heard bits and pieces through podcasts about the turnaround of the PC version of the game too, so it seems even more deserving. PlayStation are being very picky and late to the party with their PC ports, but they seem to be on the right track to making them count. I'm really curious to see how Forbidden West turns out. With the (hindered) growth of the PS5 install base since launch, I expect that we'll hear that it's the biggest first party launch on the platform to date. You know, before that same thing is said like another three or four times over the next year or two
  25. Cinematic trailer time: The game is now up for pre-load too, for anyone going digital.
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