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Everything posted by welsh_gamer

  1. He He, they stole the pigs from George Orwell's Animal Farm.
  2. Three pre-owned DVDs for £8 at my local independant game's store.
  3. Boo! Make a Have I Got News For You thread for Friday night comedy, that's miles better! Didn't watch this last night, but the Laurel and Hardy sketch and the U2 sketches were the only funny things from last week. Some of the stuff was just embarrasing to watch.
  4. Who the heck lists their own GCSE's/A level results!
  5. I hate the fact that Judith is there. All she did was answer 15 questions. The others have answered many many more to get their brainy 'status'.
  6. Lazy Town on its way to the Wii!
  7. Boo! I am unable to see the list of Top Tens. Link? Lylat Wars is great fun! Well worth the wait. I wonder what the next 64 title will be? My guess would be Wave Race or Mario Party.
  8. Scarface Ugh. What an utterly shit film and very very boring. The action scenes were the only thing worth watching, but they few and far between. Should of had stayed online and downloaded Lylat Wars, instead of watching this! 2/10
  9. The Shawshank Redemption Just wow! First time I've seen it. I did not cry at the end like many people claim too have done, but it made me feel very happy. 9/10
  10. Simple answer : yes please.
  11. Came across this picture of myself on a friends Facebook, and I am in lUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV with it. I like to call it, the Jack Bauer look
  12. Got it this morning, and played around 4-5 hours on it. The contols are pretty cool, but I find myself forgeting some of the fighting moves a lot of the time, thus using the same old moves to beat my enemies. The graphics arn't as bad as some people make out either. My only faults about the game are that the contol of the vehicles arnt that good and sometimes the whole 'family' business can get confusing i.e "is that guy a member of my family?" thoughts crop up. Don't think I'll keep this in my Wii collection long. Will trade it in/sell it online for Scarface nearer June. If you are still considering buying this, and have played GTA titles in the past, my advice would be wait for Scarface. But if you're a GTA virgin like myself, go for it!
  13. What's with that screen of somebody driving a car? It looks out of place here.
  14. I can't tie my shoelaces.
  15. The Untouchables Wow, a pretty decent flick. Great performances from Connery and Costner, but I thought DeNiro was a bit cartoonish. Loved the soundtrack too, and a lot of the camerawork was well done, especially during the scene were Connery was killed! 9/10
  16. Wow! Pokemon Ranger sold very well indeed, considering it's a spin-off.
  17. Why are they showing where the killer lives and where his parents work on television now? Americans are gonna be protesting there and attacking them now!
  18. My friend saw the Artic Monkeys on Saturday and loved them. After the gig they walked past her in some corridor or something, but she was to shy to say anything! She revealed that they are very short in the flesh tho.
  19. Yipeee1 - they are using a guitar!! Yipeee2 - online content!!
  20. The americans got Bonk's Revenge, Punch Out and Virtua Fighter 2 today.
  21. Gave in and ordered it! Should have it Wednesday! Im so excited lol Fed up of playing virtual console games on my Wii
  22. Been playing Pacman and Kirby the last 2 hours or so. As someone who hasn't palyed Pacman before, you should really consider downloading it. Fantastic fun in short bursts! And as for Kirby it's amazing! I have fallen in love with it's charm. Stuck at that Sun and Moon boss tho, grrrr.
  23. My life has been a holiday since January 2007
  24. And what about.. "You can't talk to them unless they are on your friend list" Instantly thought of friend codes there. Thought it was a pretty poor episode, but the ending was pretty good.
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