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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I have done about a third of my dissertation, which is most excellent.
  2. EEVILMURRAY thinks you're full of shit and loves the irony of this topic... EEVILMURRAY doesn't mind cookies, but they are normally a rarity.
  3. Look how low down that tit it. Saggy to the max.
  4. Yes. The bit where the lead bitch dons a loose hoody [probably like her minge] and just bounces her head to the now-obligatory black man rapping which seems to used 3/4 into the song.
  5. Ok! I'm hoping that Ringo is taking some steroids or something, so he'll overdo himself and Zeik will beat seven shades of shit out of him just for our amusement. Whilst Rachel sits in the corner cutting herself.
  6. Ok. It's not Ok to post less than 10 characters though.
  7. It's every mans dream to grow up just like Harold Bishop. Except have more sex. And Alcohol. I'm not sure how many times I have to say it's Ok for you to shut the fuck up. But bollocks to it. Here's the image properly. If I was gay I'd certainly consider it.
  8. Maybe to plow. But not to listen to them sing.
  9. Might be the bit when you went "yuk". That's Ok. The bit when I said "It's Ok". Explained just how Ok it was you weren't going to explain anything. No, It's Ok. Really. I said it was Ok, you're the one who came back bringing it up again. Ok? It's a cast member, but I see where you're coming from. So in a topic about Mario Galaxy, no one should post a picture of Mario since it shows nothing about what's happening in the game. Ok?
  10. It's ok, it's not a problem if you're a bit of a homophobe.
  11. I'll change the colour for those who can't see it. This is why I love using the old Gamecube Europe skin. Is he English?
  12. What's in the video? I would check but I'm a trifle busy at present.
  13. They didn't. They found out after.
  14. Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but it's too sexy for me not to. Twins separated at birth and adopted by separate parents later married each other without realising they were brother and sister. The pair were granted an annulment after a High Court judge ruled the marriage had never validly existed. The identities of the British pair and details of the relationship and marriage have been kept secret. But it is known that they were separated soon after birth. They were never told they were twins. They did not discover they were blood relatives until after the wedding. The case was uncovered by Lord Alton in a conversation with a High Court judge. He used it to highlight perceived deficiencies in the Human Embryology and Tissues Bill, currently going through Parliament. How would you feel knowing after however long it was of plowing you've been slamming your sister?
  15. Linkage to the gif.
  16. I got a PM off Bubba too, I replied asking what it was all about, since I couldn't remember being part of it before. Obviously someone from the older days.
  17. I have something similar, when I'm at my home at uni, when starting my computer up, it won't let me connect to the internet. It takes about 5-7 minutes and it tells me there's no firewall turned on. When the red shield disappears from the bottom right I know Windows has realised its' own firewall is on, thus the internet works.
  18. Plus he can be a constant promoter. It's like Gary Lineker and Walkers. Exactly like that.
  19. The lovely non-repetitiveness that is the Kaiser Chiefs lyrics. What a bag of wank.
  20. Normally I don't have a problem with it, I've been in pubs many a time and seen the reactions. But last night was 100% overboard, probably because it was a student bar. I kept clocking one dude whose hands were always on his head because the game stressed him out that much...
  21. Bitch! I have work!
  22. Who?! .
  23. Right. Enough of this EMA Bullshit. Last night at a pub brought something which I despise to my attention. Football viewers. I am a self confessed non-football fan, I don't mind playing it but watching it is so bloody boring, but there are people who get well into it as if they might have some impact on the outcome of the game. When someone misses a shot everyone moans, some people grab their heads, that's how frustrated they are. People who have been told their mum has died show less grief than when whoever misses a shot.
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