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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Yeah let's hope. It's about time the amnesia wore off. The old Paul was awesome, he's a one leg Shaft.
  2. Ah, the international sign for 'kick me in the crotch' !
  3. I'm hoping Rebecca gets shot, because she doesn't seem to know when to shut up.
  4. Flameboy, I believe I speak for everyone when I call you one of the biggest dicks on the forum for having an attractive girlfriend.
  5. She looks alright, but the teeth seem to put me off a little. What annoys me is how much bullshit the kid acts come out with: "I've wanted to perform in the Royal Variety Performance for as long as I can remember" or "It's always been a dream of mine" Some of these people haven't reached ages of double figures and spout this crap. Was glad to see the stand-up kid lose ["I've always wanted to make people laugh" ignoring the fact that he started auditioning as a singer, then turned to stand-up. Prick], but not happy about James Stone not even making it to the judge's vote, instead having football fuck up Jeremy Lynch.
  6. SLIGHT BUMPAGE! So, has anyone else been having hours of fun watching the live semi-finals? I find Amanda Holden's catalogue of expressions priceless: 1: Scrunching her nose. 2: See-sawing her shoulders ["dancing"] 3: Swaying her arms in the air. 4: Crying. 5: A combination of the above. Some of the people they've even considered putting in the semi-finals has been a joke in itself.
  7. Creams all the way.
  8. NOOO! My one true chance of romance ruined!
  9. I can't. I need the freedom.
  10. I know LAN isn't online, but I'm mentioning it as a sidenote.
  11. All part of God's plan to have the country named after him destroyed, because he sees and knows all. So knows the Devil is going to take out his fiendishly red wang and dickslap him with it.
  12. So, what I'm gathering over a quick glance, is that even though God is meant to be almighty and some chaps made a country after him - The Devil is still going to pimpsmack him.
  13. The core of Mars is ice. Hopefully the Phoenix will be able to start the reactor.
  14. So full of shit it's unreal.
  15. sexy, but as I told j00. Long + white = Win.
  16. No, just the subtitle of the third one. And I'll shame myself by saying I've seen about 20 seconds worth of the second one. My housemate has a fair few of the songs. Plus I think my brother was watching the second when I was subjected to the 20 seconds.
  17. Not bad to wake up to something like that.
  18. From the bits I've seen, I've been amazed the gimp in the hat hasn't tried assraping any of the gents. Plus, the bit in the first one when they first met over the kareoke is so bullshit it makes my pubes ache. Also, they're not even in high school in the third one non?
  19. Now I'm not really a fan of Weezer, however this may inspire me to like them a little more than I did before. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP9eH2p2PI
  20. Goku looks only one who actually looks vaguely like the character.
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