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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. If it weren't for the saucy image would you be as whiny? Same for the rest
  2. Don't forget the amazing point where he kicks Death in the groin.
  3. Unfair?! Mine are amazingly fair! Editing my original post now. And a PM is on its way with sexy results...
  4. You are in error. Try again. Good boy.
  5. I'll have to see about travel arrangements etc. But I believe I shall be able to make this. See you at the party.
  6. Silly me once again. They can have 100 also. I'm working on my others. Watch this space. Yeah, but I want to see something a bit more creative. Yay, A new challenger has arrived!
  7. I disliked Golden Balls when I first got used to it. I was shocked that they were able to spread out all that bullshit over 60 minutes. But it's grown on me. Although that Amanda is just so plain I dislike seeing her on my screen. RIGHT! I'll explain The Woganators Total Recall for you all. ROUND ONE! Four contestants. Wogan will ask them 20 questions, each with a one word answer, could be a year/colour/number etc. Example: When is someone is jealous they are said to turn. Green. Whoever has the least points at the end is elimated. ROUND TWO! Three contestants. Wogan will ask them another 20 questions, but the answers will all be from the first round. Example: A Tom Jones song was the what grass of home. Green. Least points = buggers off. ROUND THREE! Two contestants. You get the idea. THE FINAL! This is where the piss is truly taken. There is something called a Money Ladder, from 11 correct answers up to 20 having a cash value. The person has to nominate how many correct answers they'll get. Example 16, if they answer 15, they get fuck all. 16, the monies. If they get 17+, they only get the monies of the number they nominated. So if they got all 20 right for 100k, they only get the £2500 they nominated earlier. This is all done in 60 seconds with Wogan giving quick hints. However he likes to stumble his sentences. When they lose, which they always seem to do. The consolation prize is a silver elephant, to rub salt into the wounds.
  8. My work is starting to get a trifle annoying. Because one of the regulars is in New York I've been doing extra work, fine. However the agreed hours seem to be "flexible" in their favour. I worked 6-11 tonight [and the past 2 nights] yet when 11 comes they expect me to stay and help clean up. I said I was leaving at 11 and the landlady said "you going to leave me with two trays of glasses?". These trays are about 16x16 inches. There were more glasses coming as everyone buggered off but that was besides the point. They would've been cleaned during my hours if I wasn't left on my own to be raped by every customer coming in. I then learn I'm needed over the weekend and that I'm working Saturday. This was not brought to my attention previously. I'll do it anyway, but I'm going to sneak out come 11. I think she thinks I'm working tomorrow also, but I'm going to get drunk or something out of spite.
  9. A shit load of symbols of love in the form of engagement/wedding rings etc could be made from that abortion to a precious metal.
  10. That is 100 also. I thought I put it. Now you know kiddies. I HAVE AN ADDITION! 6: At least 3 potato waffles, and your face has to be in the shot. No thumb bullshit. 100.
  11. You make it sound as if that helps the situation.
  12. How can you say that about Hedwig, he did jack shit. All he ever did was sit in his tiny cage while Harry fucked about. It was cruel. Killing him was the best thing that could happen to him. Put the poor thing out of his misery.
  13. As we know, it should be called Total Recall. After Deal or No Deal, has anyone watched this? The premise of the game is quite good. But to win the maximum amount of money is nigh on impossible, especially with Wogan stumbling his words.
  14. Many thanks to Rok and Moogle for their PM's. Saucy.
  15. I'll have a copy of this delightful image as well please.
  16. Most of them found photoshop.
  17. OK. The Shabba List. 1: Pokémon Monopoly. 100. 1.5: If you can't get Pokémon Monopoly, you can have 50 for a picture with another novelty Monopoly. Cannot have both. 2: A slinky on your head. 150. 3: Three games that have two discs [maybe more] each. No PC games. 100. 4: A Tyranid Hive Tyrant or Carnifex. 100 for one or 150 for both. 5: A game which has been released in 2 or more different times. For example, having A Link to The Past on the SNES and GBA. No Virtual Console and the like games. 100
  18. Yes, it's genius.
  19. Christ not again... I was hoping I wouldn't have to. Urgh I'll see if I can make some crap up.
  20. I've seen someone else wearing a suit jacket over a T-shirt. If you'd like it again I can easily accomodate you.
  21. I know it's probably too late for me to join the fray. But fuck it. I'm going to enter and piss around with my camera anyway. I won't post them all with image tags, only my choice cuts. Coolness Bear's Holding two N64 games in your mouth. 75 Coolness Bear's 3 'G' games - 50 Bollocks to your modern day games. Coolness Bear's Poking your head through a window - 25 Coolness Bear's SUIT UP! 150 Coolness Bear's Dancing with the devil. (interpret that how you like!) 175 Close up if you can't see. Coolness Bear's sitting on a cushion pillow with a cup on your head. 175 Cube's an N64 Expansion Pak, Rumble Pak and Memory Pak (150) Cube's someone doing a handstand (100) Cube's something hot (50) Dan Dare's A Mammal in mid air. for 100 points [Another twofer opportunity here! - jayseven] Dyson's A picture of you with a post by Dyson - 40 points Gizmo's A Rocket launcher - 150 haden's A spider's web 50 ponts haden's A VHS player 50 points haden's Robot - 150 jayseven's pile of broken bones 100 Letty's Keyboard on head - 205 My Buttons are Magic! bish Oscar the Grouch Hoodie - 150 points [¬_¬] Technicality! Can I get half points for this? Nami's A lost soldier - 123 Nami's The sock king - 132 Nami's Sonic - 33 nightwolf's picture of big ben (no dirty remarks on that one, ta. ) 100pts http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Bish/BigBen.jpg[/img] nightwolf's 13:37pm on a clock face/ timer etc. 50pts ShadowV7's Charizard Pokemon Card - 160 points ShadowV7's A person in mid-air with a red top - 60 points ShadowV7's All 7 Harry Potter books - 50 points Shorty's You holding a picture of yourself holding a picture of yourself - 75G Shorty's A Flagpoles with a flag on it, at least 5ft high 10G This is actually the view from my Mummy's window. The one on the left is high enough at least. Strider's You playing air-guitar while wearing sun glasses. (50 points) Strider's 3 different controllers from 3 different consoles (50 points) Strider's A 3 level card tower/pyramid made of DVD sized cases (game cases also accepted) (100 points) Strider's A box of Rice Krispies (50 points) Strider's A cat (50 points) This is Buddy, a cat from a few houses nearby, always keeps meowing for food. Welsh Gamer 's a TV screen with a clown on it.(150pts) jayseven's bubble bath 100. The piss da resistance. Captain Don Shabbá of the UZI S.S. 9MM Comes to about 3288 I think.
  22. I have to ask, why? Anyone but Kate Moss, she's a piece of ugly druggy shit, who keeps asking us to get the London Look, if it means looking like her I'll pass.. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/skynews/20080828/tuk-moss-is-solid-gold-supermodel-45dbed5.html
  23. SEE YOU AT THE PARTY RICHTER!! That's right. Total Recall This film is ismply amazing, the special effects are a little shitty in parts, but that doesn't detract from the Arnie goodness. Nine and a Half Shabba's
  24. He seemed to enjoy talking more about himself.
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