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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I feel the same way everytime I write a review or get something on the BBC website, it kills me inside. But I think of it as pimpsmacking the door into potential careerings. I should save linkings of the things I do really. Anyways, I would like to show everyone this band which is performing at work on Friday: http://wrathchildbethyname.co.uk/home.html They look about 16.
  2. Yes. And I am going to claim that we are all furious we had to find out this way.
  3. OOOH! I had one done too! I got a pic printed in a Star Wars comic awhile back. Apparently I forgot to add my address, so I sent another letter with it ¬_¬
  4. You too were getting jiggy with it? Interestings.
  5. I agree, it's not been as good as it has been, but we still make some savings. GBP > CAD is even better.
  6. I just saw some clips from his speech on Five News. and it reminded me of this quote from the Three Musketeers: This world is an uncertain realm, filled with danger. Honor underminded by the pursuit of power, freedom sacrificed when the weak are oppressed by the strong. But there are those who oppose these powerful forces, who dedicate their lives to truth, honor, and freedom. These men are known as Musketeers. Rise, D'Artagnan, and join them.
  7. One thing that has come of it, is that I encountered this image about 1-2 months ago: Old perhaps, but the truth it proclaims.
  8. Not alot. .
  9. It's true, many people don't realise that Final Fantasy IV shits on all of the other titles in the series. Especially VII.
  10. Shit! I missed it!
  11. How is the 3Dness of the film? I doubt it's like the advert suggests. Although I keep thinking to myself if I end up going to see it I'll end up reacting like that at least once.
  12. .... *sniff* I've never read anything so beautiful...
  13. I had a weird dream, as they all are. But I got another one of my premonition dejá vu dreams. I was upstairs and I hear something heavy come through the letterbox, the noise displeasing my parents. On inspection I see the latest Argos catalogue by the door. This morning as I go downstairs to make my morning tea, I notice on the arm of the sofa... The latest Argos catalogue. OoooOOOOOoooh.
  15. Resubmitting with a cap? What's the point in that. They did things differently at DMU, if you're late they take the essay and mark it with a cap. They give you a day or whatever to remix it then resubmit?
  16. Did your deadline mean you fail or a cap on your marks? Wouldn't the adverse affects occur before she even ingested it, being in her body etc?
  17. Whichever scriptwriter thought it would be a good idea to put Rebecca in control of the Dingoes should be fired.
  18. You mean you didn't have some on standby? On the shelf next to the jizz.
  19. Lost the wubbin feeling? Failing that, surely you can get a birthday plowings?
  20. It costs about £5.70 for one. We enjoy Orange Wednesdays for added sexiness.
  21. Not sure if it's been said, but Apple uses Safari as their browser don't they? Why don't the EU sue them as well?
  22. I always remember one thing being cut out, when he's with the lass with the banging rack in the lift. The later speech is as follows: "Well, that's because you've got big jugs. I mean your boobs are huge. I mean, I wanna squeeze 'em. Mama!" Then makes the sucking motion. Yet when it's on early the only thing cut is the line "I wanna squeeze 'em". You would've thought the sucking would be more inappropriate at that time.
  23. What I did when I was in Leicester was to buy an open return. If they don't check your ticket there/back it'll still be valid for awhile. A pr0 game. The chap who reviewed it is dynamite in bed. My brother came out with that shit once before Christmas, he's doing very well at proving he's full of shit [even more so than before, which is an impressive feat] Watching the Snooker at the moment. I get really pissed off with O'Sullivan fans. I like the guy, he does a delightful dance of death when he's on the table... But as soon as he gets up "GO ONE RONNIE!" times 1000.
  24. Who else thought this was a complainings thread over the minimum character limit? Don't lie to me people. Happy day of birthday though!
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