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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Don't worry, your avatar does that for you. Along with what Ashley said.
  2. About to watch The League now.
  3. One dude from a camp in America phoned me today. I think I did alright but you can never tell in these interviews that when they go "Oook" after answering seach question if they're feeling it or not. http://www.kmkwcamp.com/index2.php This is the camp. In Conneticut, apparently 2 hours drive to New York. Seems a nice place to go. I'm excited they were interested in me, but I'm not sure I want to commit fully lest another camp becomes interestings in me.
  4. The Bone Collector IF YOU'RE READING THIS JAV_NE, This is not the one I purchased from you [2 months ago] I purchased another copy. ANOTHER I TELL J00. Anyways, lovely film. But it won't recreate the feeling of watching it for the first time. Since I knew who the killer was and waiting to see him again sans disguise. Still a good film though. Eight Shabba's
  5. Stealing someone with a high scores' Xbox it would appear. some more sexy doovdes I ordered arrived. Shall probably watch those today. I tried ringing the computer guy to come put in a newer new wireless network card which might actually work, but his answering machine says "don't leave a message, just ring again in a few mins, the showing of missed call will prompt me"
  6. Couldn't agree more. And tea is made sexier by sugar. If you disagree then you people shouldn't use milk either. And don't pretend you didn't use it.
  7. What a load of bullshit! How does his logic explain that?
  8. Did they ever explain which part of the meal was which? Bumpings if it doesn't merge: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/blog/editors_corner/article/14556/ Updatings.
  9. I still need to send my videogame dissertation to those who asked for it back in the day. Who asked for it back in the day?
  10. I'm intrigued as to what you think goes on in my head, which gives Wombles nightmares I like the sound of it either way. Dave from China found out what you edited out, and like I said to you, I don't blame you for trying to hide it. But coupled with your expression and those of the people around you, this is the only logical explanation.
  11. *Slams hand on desk* DON'T LIE TO ME. Dave from China has found something embedded in the code. He's working hard to unscramble it. If it's what I think it is... I can see why you edited it out.
  12. The thing about action films is that alot of is predictable, yet you enjoy it because it's mindless fun. Yet with a suspense thriller once you know something has happened the effect wears off and it moves to the next "suspense" moment, which is no longer suspenseful because you know what's coming and how long you're waiting for. It's like... say, Mario 64 is the action genre. You know what's coming but you have fun. Suspense thrillers, I've got Professor Layton in my head, once you've done a puzzle, you know it. Simple as. If you decide to replay it, you know what's coming. I know it's not this clear cut in every respect.
  13. Nah, it's something bigger. Something which has given the others the reaction they've giving... I think I know what it is, I'm going to send the image to my friend Dave from China, I think he can find what you've edited out.
  14. There's something missing from that picture of Flink. Something has been edited out.
  15. Despite reading an article saying there's about as much fat/something in a kebab than a glass and a half full or cooking oil, I keep having one when I finish work. Such as tonight. Work was even deader than last night, I managed to get about 150 pages read out me book. Now I got an email from some camps who are interested in calling me for a phone interviewings.
  16. Caught this on the Yahoo site. I must confess I see where the chap is coming from. I'm glad to say I haven't had such service when I flew with Virgin. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/blog/editors_corner/article/11975/
  17. My main forum in the old days was PTCO [Pokémon Trading Cards Online] where I traded cards with people all over the world. Many other sites have been plagued under my wrath since.
  18. I had loads I coulda done! ¬_¬ I could've been playing some Halo, or watching random doovdés. But because of my American voyage this summer I shall take the monies, plus I can carry on reading my book, which I so very love to do during boring work shifts [read 110 pages last night]
  19. Work phoned me up todaysings. What a shocker when I saw the name on my phone I knew what they wanted. Naturally they need me to cover tonight, they don't call for the conversation, the fuckers. Since there's nothing really on TV I said I would, making this a rocking 3 night shift week. I can feel Hannah is going to phone in "sick" on Thursday meaning they'd be phoning me then as well. Fuck 'em.
  20. You've seen The Dark Knight too? I'd have to disagree, Alien is a... Eh film, but it's just not something I can watch again and again. Plus the fact that these "suspense" thriller/horrors bore me.
  21. The game looks amazingly pr0. I hope it'll be as good as it looks.
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