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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm really tempted to give this a go just for the sake of it.
  2. Couldn't agree more. I say this as if I don't like Muse, I have one of their albums, it was alright. And some Orange hair spray, I'm going to... dye my hair dark red and then use this for highlighting. Here's hoping the Post Office can get their shit together in time.
  3. What do you do to fap around with your back Flink?
  4. If there's one on the shelf near to where I'm sitting. As you can see in the desk topic there is one close to hand.
  5. This is where the magic happens:
  6. If I have a slinky to hand I'll let it drop then flick it back up and "catch" it, rinse and repeat. I've recently started playing with the straws at work, I just hold it and either flick the top part back and forth, or extend it and then bring it back down. Penis jokes ahoy.
  7. ReZ, why are you staring at his package?
  8. But it gives the ladies another excuse to wear those original nurse/police/army/superhero outfits with short skirts.
  9. X4
  10. Thought I'd get this in early, if people are feeling hints/tips/suggestions. Waddaya y'all doing for halloween? Dressings up? Getting twatted? Dressings up and getting twatted? I myself will probably be working as I did last year. I was going to go pr0 original and reuse my Joker costume [At work we were going to do a Village People thing, but then couldn't be bothered] and not get my hair cut for a longer feel. However after watching Ghost Rider earlier I think I could pull that off and have my hair as the "fire" How about j00?
  11. I check my RDA, the Quavers I had were only 7% fat of my RDA. All I needed were another 14 packs and I'd be in the shit.
  12. I think I've had prawn cocktail Quavers before.
  13. I'm using my pr0 skills to holding it to just runny nose and occasional sneezings. I'm such a badass.
  14. I could use the roll mat I use for my sleep bags.
  15. I've not seen Nik-Naks in ages. Nice N' Spicy is the way forward. Roysters shit on all of them though.
  16. My favourite bit in this is just this face he pulls at Davina. I had some small sausage rolls today for lunch instead of eating nothing. I'm on the way to peak physical health.
  17. Don't miss wit' da' Brooka.
  18. Now that would be a film battle worth seeing.
  19. Mariko's father has this stick-like weapon, so Wolverine will have to fight against that Holy shit... Not a stick-like weapon. That's going too far.
  20. Not if Slim Fast have anything to say about it. Skip to 1:05
  21. Word beech. Bullshit flu symptoms are attacking me, this is most displeasings.
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