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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. That is fucking awesome. I want to add you to my MSN for that.
  2. Pictures. Plus your place of purchase. I wouldn't mind one myself. Shit mate, how much cardings did you have in there?
  3. I never understood the point of Smallville [Or Assville as I used to call it] Who gives a shit if Kent is getting jiggy with Lana Lang [?] We all know he's going to Metropolis to plow Louis Lane in a few lanes. [Fuck that alternate reality/timeline shit]
  4. You make it sound as if that decreases the pr0ness of it. I cannae wait for Beverly Hills Cop IV though.
  5. You want to know how my arm is? Come over and find out.
  6. I did that earlier. Was well impressed by the appearance change, I was in the Ice Cave and met another Fenrir. I left mine to it [as a Mew V. Mewtwo battle] and took out the others. Much better than its' original "evolution" appearance change. And even better than the ghost you catch as your first. What is everyone's creature roster? Now what you "use", but what you have on the whole. I'm loving the random names.
  7. You're a disgrace to men everywhere.
  8. Dude. I know you're a flaming hom and proud of it, and I respect that. But this is going too far. Seriously.
  9. It is true. Bread is bullshit in a burger, especially the bread in the middle of a Big Mac. But I don't buy Big Macs because it seems half of it is shitty veg, something I don't eat.
  10. I was quite surprised as to how little he did in this episode. However anything he could've said would've been overshadowed by this dumb Dappy twat who they wouldn't stop bigging up.
  11. Damn right. Call it a Tip like everyone else. Plus I came across the new display Pepsi are using. I don't really drink it myself, but it still looks a piece of shit:
  12. I personally thought he looked like Dom Joly.
  13. Perhaps it was the length which dampened it for me.
  14. I think even for the Americans that would be shit. However, the moment it said "I was born in a tube", all I could think about was:
  15. One of the Ambiguously Gay Duo. Get a queer companion to make up the other half. Mecca had sent him a voucher for some "bubbly" for his birthday, which was yesterday. But he can't claim it until Saturday for some reason. Plus, last night was his first time going and the little shit won twice. I say win loosely, because he called out too late [You have to shout out on your last number] on both occasions... The dumbfuck. He could've had a combined £50.
  16. What is the "bonus" you get if you have a completed Symphonia Cube Memory Card in? I was sure I had some saved data but it didn't appear to be the case.
  17. I feel what you're saying. I'm not sure if it was this forum or another, but we had something where there was a cartoon picture of a pig, and we had to kill it in amazing situations. I think I've still got the images I made somewhere... I shall try to locate them.
  18. I'd like to propose a name change. To "Potential Comedy" Reasons being: "Comedy Rainbow" sounds mega gay. It offers an element of mystery. If people find it like the first episode [shit] they shouldn't be disappointed. If they find it funny they'll be pleasantly surprised.
  19. Record the f00tage for the j00t00be. I'll be working but I'd still like to see your young warm flesh on da screen.
  20. The fighting seems a little static at the moment for me. It just doesn't seem as fluid as the original Symphonia did. Anyone seem the Blanka looking Orge yet? Also, does anyone know what level the floating fire swords evolve?
  21. I sadly misread that, when they say Castle Theme, I instantly thought of Peach's Castle from Mario 64... A rock version of that would be the shit. Plus I'd like to see one of these bands where they keep their heads at a more static level. They're not impressing anyone.
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