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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Have you not decided to contact the second highest bidder and sell it to them on the down-lo?
  2. Did they take it from Hobbits in Isengard? Gard G-G-G-Gard.
  3. I see what you mean now, so in a double battle, if it's sent out second it'll take place of whatever's first etc. What's the point of it if it's going to be, practically, a reverse Ditto?
  4. Word, at least they could offer some description.
  5. I was thinking of a more squatted, different coloured Dialga:
  6. That was amazing.
  7. Tales, no flying type? How do you pr0 travel?
  8. Wouldn't that depend on which Hitmonchan the opponent targets?
  9. Well watching the match was fun. Some arsehole decided to throw his beer in the air when England scored, which went pretty much all over me, and got the landlord too so he was swiftly ejected. Another job interview tonight. Here's hoping it goes well! I have used to my advantage at the local TCG location, one chap was recommending Pokétower and Serebii and I said: "Yeah I know Serebii" "Yeah it's a good site innit" "No, I mean I actually know him, nice guy" Dude practically got a erection on the spot. I thank you.
  10. The source material was essential.
  11. I assumed he typed limp wrong.
  12. I concur, but it would be nothing without Matt Berry. But everytime I look at Moss I feel sad he hasn't got a 'stache and a shotgun, Dean Lerner style.
  13. Don't forget the fact that your rent is due the next day, with only ten pounds to tide you over for food for the month. But you decided to take advantage of the special offer on cider. You'll scrounge food from the bins at KFC, everyone leaves a bit of meat on the bone.
  14. AKA, desperate bullshit. I don't think I was paying all that much attention, so could someone clear this thing up for me. They were saying that when the Doctor flew the Pandorica into the Tardis exploding, everything would be hunky dory again. None of the series would've happened, everyone would've forgotten what happened because it never happened, unless a random item/saying/whatever causes them to remember what never happened. Except the Doctor would fuck himself over, being on the wrong side of the cracks when they close: Cue everyone being sad. Five minutes later he's alive and well on the 'right' side of the cracks. Was this explained with something better than timey wimey shizzle?
  15. Depends what you consider a friend. Those you met for five minutes, perhaps not.
  16. All in all, not bad. Was wondering how they were going to bring back Rory after [thankfully] killing him off.
  17. I got the chopper once, I cut my finger off.
  18. If a tree falls in the woods and there's noone to hear it, does it make a sound? Why did Matrix lie about killing Sully last?
  19. Various South Park episodes... Passion of the Jew Mel Gibson is amazing in this episode: "You've lead me here to your secret base! I guess you're going to start TORTURING ME!! ARGH! My nipples are so tender don't squeeze them anymore!" Tonsil Trouble Cartman and Kyle both get HIV, the version I obtained didn't have the censoring, so made it even sexier. Also introduced me to the wonder that is Jimmy Buffett [liked by only frat boys and alcoholic chicks from the south] Scott Tennorman Must Die I was recommended this because of the episode '201' regarding Cartman's real father. Kenny Dies A real tearjerker. Plus Cartman having his balls broken several times failing to sell unborn foetus' All awesome episodes. Highly recommended.
  20. Brooklyn's Finest My Girlfriend and I walked out of the cinema, [being the only ones there] not knowing what to say about this film. It involves three stories which vaguely come together at the end, but very loosely. To begin with you think it's going to be something like Lock Stock, where each story intertwines with the others to a satisfactory conclusion. In this it simply doesn't. 5/10
  21. Majority of my Facebook statuses are random film quotes/song lyrics. To keep it fresh. Also: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=web_logs
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