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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. "I passed an exam. I did so because I learned what was required and studied."
  2. I think it's also the fact that they keep giving them out in the Ranger games... And Manaphy eggs too.
  3. Challenge might be alright because then I can see repeats of The Crystal Maze and Brucie's Price Is Right.
  4. No, you're going to get another Shaymin event and fucking like it. FUCKING LIKE IT!!! Seriously though they need to stop it. I've got about 4.
  5. But us Freeview people are being arse-raped here.
  6. More of a cult film as they say these days. I'd personally call it a shit film, but that's just me.
  7. I hand crafted that part myself. We seem to do alright together.
  8. I finally finished my Battlewagon! Thank fuck. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29701 Well happy. Took me about a month.
  9. Fuck the Red Sunz. Deathskulls all the way! Perhaps, but I'm not sure if many would properly notice if something new has gone up. I know I probably wouldn't if I wasn't me.
  10. I used to play, but now I mainly paint stuff because I can't be bothered to learn the rules all over again. Now I need to plan my Pokémon starter diorama...
  11. Possibly my biggest (at least most fiddly) project yet. This is what the model originally looks like (a few combinations) But using the Battlewagon Upgrade pack and a squad of Grots I made it into a drive-by shooting machine. Not entirely polished, but I think I'm happy with this.
  12. Muchos birthday returns to these members of the N-E massive.
  13. I needed a work visa, since I'd be working as a journalism tutor for about 2(ish) months. It was the US Embassy which fucked me over, made me pay £120 for a blood test. Ban should be over now. I did apply for our local news for a story but because the Embassy wouldn't reply to the BBC they didn't follow it up.
  14. After being raped out of about £700-800 to be a camp mentor in America I got a visa refused and "banned" from America for three years. For being epileptic, which I never hid from them. They offered me a £50 refund because "they spent more money on me than I gave them". Fucking bullshit ripoff. The t-shirt I got from them for £20 has been raped in the wash.
  15. All part of our master pran.
  16. So they were using the older, slower animated moves? Either way it's pretty much irrelevant. The zooming in and out adds an extra amount of time on the battle. Now multiply that by all the wild Pokémon/Trainer/Gym battles* you'll do = a shitload of pointless time on top. *minus the time these new moves will take since they're apparently super fast, even with the bullshit zooming.
  17. Perhaps, to have a quick check I tried a battle on Heart Gold. The B/W battle lasted around 1.10, having 4 moves each. In the same time against Will each side managed around 2-3 each, and included in that time was with the time it took for a level 55 'mons health to run out and three Pokémon replaced. I thought the levelling was unfair, so decided to boot up Platinum and try lower level 'mon. In around 1.03 each Pokémon had performed around 5-6 moves each, two of which were Growls. This was between a Lv. 4 Starly and a Lv. 2 Bidoof.
  18. Really? Seems to take a while zooming in on the emerging Pokémon, then after selecting attack it zooms in on the target and the attack animation begins. Then zooms out for the opponent to attack and it zooms on yours etc. You could beat the Elite Four on Blue in quicker time.
  19. I've been told by many that I don't have an accent. From those whom have met me/seen me online somewhere. Do I?
  20. Fucking right. I got Snap on Virtual Console and my girlfriend and I spent the day pimpsmacking it into gear. Great fun. Would benefit nicely from the motion controls. EDIT: Just watched that first 6 mins video. I can feel the pace of battles is going to be slower than before.
  21. Have they started allowing front and back designs yet? If so I need to get a tablet and start work on another Total Recall shirt ¬_¬ Well... I need a tablet anyway I think :s
  22. It's £202 on Amazon too. Hoepfully they'll honour their next day Amazon Prime delivery and get their shit sorted for me.
  23. Oooh £199. How much is delivery?
  24. Where have the people here pre0rdered theirs from?
  25. So he can help the Joker take over the Asylum and then take over a portion of Gotham City? I know you're down with the crazy shit but that's going too far.
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