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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Arg those clapping sessions are so cringeworthy, not even a child is treated so condescendingly for completing a level... I made the investment today, not even bothering with the Zelda at the moment. This is where the action is. Physical copy of course, because fuck digital if I can help it. I'll get that 4th character later, I'm sure it'll be after a great "riddle"
  2. Symphonia 2 takes the worst title crown for me. I'm not sure what the logic is for the Arise battles, hit for ages then do a special attack, which either drags out the menial battles against weak stuff because of the cutscenes, or chips a little from bosses, which was all hardish to see with all the shiny effects they smacked on too.
  3. I hope they do a demo for this, because I can't imagine playing this not on a keyboard, I'd love to try it out.
  4. I think the story is better than more recent ones, built upon the greatness Symphonia gave us, and as you said, battle system is awesome. If it's glorified corridors you're after though, check out Tales of Arise, I swear some of the single corridors are a longer trek than some of the areas they've got instead of a traditional overworld, and half as uninspiring. My glasses are so rosey I can't even remember if Graces has an overworld map.
  5. Mine. Mineminemineminemineminemine. Fucking. Mine. My all time favourite of the series. I was just thinking yesterday whether to fire up the PS4 so I could replay this, and this comes. Whatever special edition exists, I shall aim to obtain it. However though, with the Switch on its way out in comparison, I may get it on PS5 instead. Either way, I'm a happy EEVIL.
  6. "Here's the showcase where we reveal games that are coming out in the latter half of 2024" First game - 2025. About half of these are not-this-year. But Tales of Graces is the highlight for me 100%
  7. Lemme know what you think about this
  8. Just gone through the demo. It's turned me off the game to be honest, the movement is a lil sluggish, the combat is boring and there was little in the way of puzzle/exploration. The longer girder level had 1-2 offshoots off the main path, and I died many times thinking I could jump to another roof before invisible walls blocked me. The robot level was sluggish and the shooting level was a poor man's Lylat Wars. I was so looking forward to this, but glad I know now before investing.
  9. After several failed interviews (fuck the STAR method), I've finally managed to get an offer back at NUH and I can leave the firm I'm at now. Currently there's barely any work to do where I am, my colleague who works alongside me consistently falls asleep and is writing some sort of Norse fanfic/book and doesn't know that I know, and there's only so many stalkers and sex offenders I can deal with before I know I'll snap. Just waiting on the confirmed start date and I'll hand in my notice.
  10. Had to use the powah of the internet to figure out the other 2 bots. They really do not know the meaning of the word riddle.
  11. I bloody wish that was what the anime was about.
  12. Naturally I would have to encourage some portion of Warhammer, or any tabletop gaming which you can get creative with the models/scenery. I keep seeing the Stardew Valley cross stitch on fangamer which I keep considering, but may find a cheap random one first to see if I can get to grips with the concept first. Book nooks, also a nice lil craft project, there are groups on Facebook where people make their own dioramas too
  13. Maybe that fence in front of Lord Jabu Jabu in Ocarina of Time lead to the ocean, and they were just slumming it next to Lake Hylia for flava
  14. Which apparently aren't normally an issue of you stack enough beds!
  15. You make it sound as if it hasn't been done - It was a sound theory at the time with the knowledge we had! Suck ma balls buddy. The addition of the horse gives the impression the world will be bigger than anticipated, but that disappearing into the void thing at the end gives the impression of either a mirror world... or worse, The Depths.
  16. Some shizzle from the eShop as they were cheap. I was feeling the need to play Lost in Blue, and looking at similar games This was a surprising find and a nice playthrough. It has feelings of Journey, coupled with the Shrine puzzles from Zelda. The only thing I would consider a downside is the narration, it's done by this lass with an accent who most of the time feels like she's reading it for the first time and there's no emotion. Plus the script is completely terrible. Everything said this game could've done without and been the better for it. Buy it though.
  17. I couldn't watch it all because I like to avoid spoilers and bleeding from my ears due to otherworldly noise levels, but it does look good.
  18. Maybe they're drawn the attention of the fidget spinner/stimulation people. I was too cool for that bullshit, but even I'd love an analogue stick to fap about with.
  19. I know he had arms on the box art, but I don't remember him having any in the game, which I can't help but find as weird.
  20. I never recalled Yoshi having orange arms. I'm too scared to check.
  21. I didn't want to be a complete lil bitch and have everyone survive each time, I've gotta have some of the experience. Just being a lil lil bitch
  22. Finished this recently. I'm not sure if it was the fast travel aspect, which was much appreciated, but the game felt a bit shorter and smaller because of the fewer worlds. But the story much better, although the enemy rotation felt weird, the final boss was not the baddies you had throughout (spoiler tags don't seem to be working so I'll be a lil vague), the betrayal of the final boss was predictable, but when it showed you what he was... did not expect that, but the ending seemed to be of just being too proud to admit they're wrong with the ultimate motive to change. Combat was about as bad as before, but I do love the extra stances, my one of choice was single blade and blaster. but for the bigger/harder enemies I cranked the difficulty down, because I know how clunky and unforgiving it was. Recommend though!
  23. I'm having much fun with Fire Emblem, my first foray into the series. The rewind feature is being used a fair bit, but I did lose some people and let it slide.
  24. That's surprisingly good for CEX, they retailed for £40
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