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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  2. That's just how he poses, scrunches his neck into some semi-double chin with a "I'm having trouble shitting" expression. Which pretty much all 4 of them have some variation of the pose.
  3. Low and probably in-error pricing at work! grab them Tesco bargains whilst you can!
  4. Any more discussion before the break? Be quick.
  5. I would consider sitting next to someone you've invited out and not talking to them for 2 hours more awkward. So many scenarios going through your head... Madness.
  6. What kinda cult?
  7. BREAK ONE IS OVER Many investigations were conducted during the break. One man sat there doing nothing. Another sat around with his RC toys and twiddled his thumbs. One man was going to give wrong answer man some money, but decided he didn’t want to give him that and threw it at the man with the RC toys. One man decided it was best to protect himself and hide within his protected glass construct. A man with two orbs opened one to borrow something; afterwards he was set upon by a gray haired man and given strict instructions. After the gray haired man had left, someone had sex with the man with the orbs. A red haired woman saw two men approaching one another; she quickly put a wall between them both, when the wall disappeared one of them had changed. The one who hadn’t changed enhanced the new man. Bradley Walsh was about to receive some information before a glass wall sprung in front of him, he turned left to go around but found another wall. Right, another. Behind, another. Just when he thought he may, just may actually be safe during the break one of the walls shattered and a man with a podium in his hand stood before him. “I know you... you’re in that game... thingy... you know... the numbers thingy!” The man with the podium laughed before beating him to death. He smashed another wall on his way out. Afterwards he wondered why he bothered doing any of it at all. CUBE IS DEAD. HE WAS BRADLEY WALSH OF ODD ONE IN. HE WAS ABLE TO SEE WHAT POWERS PEOPLE USED AND WHAT POWERS WERE USED ON THEM. The woman in red walked over to Bradley Walsh as he lay there dying. “Oh dear...” she said. “H-help me...” screamed Walsh. “Nah, Peter Andre and that other smug twat piss me off.” And with that she walked away. Bradley’s last words were “I’ve... I’ve failed...” “No” said the woman, “There is another.” PART TWO BEGINS. Watchable: @mr\-paul @Dazz @jayseven @Rummy @Tales Cancelled: @Cube
  8. You're not a fan of traditional painting/drawing shizzle are you?
  9. How does one colour digitally? [silly I know but I know jack about Photoshop]
  10. I'm in trouble artistic wise and need some assistance. Taken this from the T-shirt design thread for more exposure.
  11. Need some help constructing a design here. I'm working my way towards my Zelda Sage series and it's nearly done. But I'm wondering about the Sage Medallion placement (if at all) Here is Rauru: This is what the original design was thought to be: However some of the characters eclipse the medallions, so I thought I could shrink them and have them all except the relevant one is a little larger: [Don't worry about the medal designs themselves, they're just prototypes] Which do you think looks better? Or just scrap the medallions altogether?
  12. We'll be right back after these messages. COMMERCIAL BREAK ONE. SEND IN YOUR TARGETS.
  13. Well, my sexy review is up: http://n-europe.com/review.php?rid=601 Really enjoying the game now. One thing though (which is with all RPGs) is that they all use different words for simple things. Kinda like how they defined species in The Land Before Time.
  14. Corrected.
  15. A sexy day at the M&M store, where every item needed twelve shelves each.
  16. Wasn't funny at all, didn't seem like it was trying to be, which was a good thing. But it wasn't boring. So... kinda entertaining.
  18. It's true, I have heard contact lenses do decrease your height so you're able to walk through proper doorways safely.
  19. Nah, for me there are certain grades of footwear. Trainers Shoes - The smart stuff you wear for the office etc. and those things women wear to hurt themselves with the insanely pointless high heels. Boots - Means both the thick soled heavy duty shoes builders wear and ladies' boots Slippers Loose strapped - sandals, flip flops I'm sure there's more.
  20. I have heard of contacts slipping around the sides/back of the eye. Not sure about the aftermath though. I tried contacts once but for some reason one eye kept rejecting them.
  22. The boobs weren't big enough I think. Denise Richards needed to get hers out.
  23. I found that warping to the one near the big thingy in the middle, then standing with your back to the quicksand, the temple thingy to your left a fair amount of tumbleweeds fly by.
  24. ROLES ARE OUT!! Main topic starting shortly.
  25. This could have potential... Much more than the Total Recall remake, but this could be interesting...
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