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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. This is going to blow. I can tell. They won't feature any villians/characters which are mega popular, and it they do they will either be cameo/guest appearances or the character will be watered down to fuck.
  2. Really?! I seriously cannot imagine that "few" starving families who walk 2,000 miles just for drinking water (move closer dumbfucks) having as many kids as those who die. But I didn't do any research before making those posts so I guess it's possible. I thought that also, but I thought that just because they have a well they're not actually paying for the water (in a way that we would) so even though they may not being getting the same quality of filtered water we get through our taps, we're paying their fucking water bills. Another thing which I've noticed is that the Oxfam ads (I think it was them) made a big note that "they're not looking for handouts, they just want to work themselves out of poverty" and they've dropped that and played the starving kids approach to tug on the heartstrings. Giving money to a civilization so they can make a life of their own I can endorse. But giving money to families who can't stop fucking and firing out babies like they're fireworks in November and expecting food to magically appear is something I won't be losing sleep over anytime soon.
  3. The original Wind Waker was designed to be cel-shaded*. This pisses on that concept with some gradual shading. And if there is no actual gameplay tweaks there isn't any point in them doing this. *Something which I hated at the time (and still technically do) but have accepted something which has been fisted by many, many more fans.
  4. You mean Taken had an element of fact to it?
  5. But not all of the population can be considered "third world". And in those third world areas I don't think they could fire out 31,000,000 kids a year.
  6. Sorry, I had been busy during the first night/day and then the power cut/night fisting took forefront of my memory. See above. But I don't know who to or the contents, but mr-paul hath just revealed. But they are recieved as a PM, I think that's what DuD meant.
  7. Based on what has been said I cannae believe you're asking the second question. The first night however I saw mr-paul sending a fake PM.
  8. Don't get your hopes up
  9. Not that fussed. When I see the Oxfam adverts with all these sick dying children, I think two things: 1] Why don't they just stop having sex and making these living corpses. 2] The advert says something along the lines of "A child dies every 5 seconds from starvation", if that's true and surely the birthrate cannot compensate for that - shouldn't the problem have solved itself?
  10. This is all rathrr confusing... since Tales is refusing to admit who he roleblocked, is anyone willing to come forward and declare they were blocked?
  11. Getting the third pearl by Jabu just giving it to you, and you don't think that felt like a gip? The reason the Triforce hunt took so long was because you had to buy each chart (after saving up for each one) sail to each location and have the same recycled fishing routine over and over. Just because it may have taken longer doesn't make it better than a dungeon with better/varied activity. It felt cheap, uninspired and felt like Nintendo just wanted to draw the game out.
  12. Or with their mouth open. It looks fucking stupid.
  13. Right... some of my dreams from some of the vague notes in my notebook made when half asleep. Make of them as you will. 1] Girl takes artifact and falls down snow, ancient creature woman. Turns into dragon robot. Have to sing to communicate. 2] Does something wrong in the future & have to change name to run from the law (Wii Blue? Axel blue? Name forgotten) 3] Works on some giant wooden airship. Have to get someone to fix weird bike thing whilst looking for chavvy group. One of them is an Augustus Glop character who doesn't speak English but won't eat choclate. Told to take him to Dr. Cookie Monster. 4] Weird school trip where kids meant to wash own dish before eating. Pirate ships in monsters eyes. Batman(?) fighting Chopin. Donkey Kong beating Batman. 5] One dream where I semi-cheated on my girlfriend but it was her identical twin and I didn't know the difference. 6] Black man wins on dart machine over a pool ball. 7] I have a pinful piss and then it seems my penis is an intestine growing out of my side. I buy waffles at the end. And my personal favourite: 8] Some bloke thinks I'm homeless and gives me a pound. Patrick Stewart comes and takes it back.
  14. What does WIFOM mean? In the same vein of Diageo, you can suck my balls on that. I have been giving you GOLD since the day began. It's Tales who is being shady under my questioning after being outed as the roleblocker. I also confirmed I was electrical.
  15. I'll check when I finish work. I have this theory that if I record enough random shit I can thread it into one long story.
  16. Whyever not? What scares you so?
  17. Because I know it was you doing the roleblocking. Care to reveal your target?
  18. What did you do last night @Tales?
  19. My translation reads: "Wind Waker - will actually be finished"
  20. Play Minesweeper/Freecell.
  21. Dammit... I've been meaning to make a dream topic for months. I kept a little book where I wrote a few dreams down.
  22. Perhaps Link To The Past... but I don't see how a remake of Majora's Mask would constitute more of "creating a brand new game" when compared to the unfinished mess that was Wind Waker.
  23. It could easily change! This certainly came out of the blue.
  24. Considering the rumours were that the awesome Majora's Mask and even awesomer Link to The Past were being toted for the HD remake it's disappointing they've decided to neglect/shelve them to do Wind Waker.
  25. Meh, I want to hear more about this "Tuned up the gaming experience" before I make my mind up. If it's just a HD remake I'm going to be pissed off.
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