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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Licking out girls is not fun, do not kid yourselves.
  2. Too right the CGI was bad, the zombies all looked the same and bared a resemblance to the main bad guy in 'The Mummy'.
  3. This film shaved at least 2 years off my life through stress. Yeah, the CGI is awful and the ending wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. It's one of those films that stays in your head after you've watched it.
  5. To never let a girl get to me like she did.
  6. Regular DVD's are so cheap at the moment - I'm loving it! I feel no need to rush out buy into High Definition because it still seems an expensive and unnecessary expense.
  7. What about children at risk of becoming dangerously fat? Surely you can see why it helps young people?
  8. Self confidence, stamina, feel in control of your body?
  9. As you said, your overweight, therefore if you took part in physical activity surely you'd become more healthy. You haven't proven anything wrong, you've just chosen to push something away that could have really benefitted you.
  10. To encourage people to be active and healthy, to stop the rise of obesity in young people, to encourage sportsmanship and team work, to build confidence in young people etc . . .
  11. 1 Do you play videogames? [Y/N] 2 In your own words, please describe your definition of a 'gamer' Someone who plays games. 3 Would you consider yourself any of the following: [multi] - Hardcore gamer - Casual gamer - Console gamer [only playing games consoles as opposed to using a PC] - Handheld gamer [only playing handheld consoles like the Game Boy] - PC gamer - Competitive gamer - Retro gamer [only playing games/consoles deemed 'retro'] - Import gamer [importing games from Japan/America] - Power gamer [mix of competitive and hardcore] - Cyberathelete [playing for money] 4 Describe your use of videogames? [multi] - Recreational - Relaxation - Escapism - Just for the sake of it - Social interaction - Social activity - Competition 5 How much time do you spend playing video games? - Less than an hour a day - 1-2 hours - 3-4 hours - 5+ - Once a week - Once a fortnight - Once a month 6 What is/are your preferred genre/s? [multi] - Adventure - FPS - RTS - RPG - Puzzle - Platformers - Multiplayer games - MMORPG - Sports - Racing - Simulation - Fighting - Fantasy - Sci-fi - Party games - Music - Other [specify] 7 Where do you mainly play videogames? [open] 8 What consoles do you own? - Microsoft Xbox - Microsoft Xbox 360 - Nintendo Wii - Nintendo DS - Nintendo Gamecube - Sony Playstation 2 - Sony Playstation 3 - Sony PSP - PC - Other [specify] 9 Do you engage in other forms of media, if so what are they? [multi] - TV - Film - Books - I don't - Other [specify] 10 What is/are your preferred genre/s? [multi] - Action adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Historical - Religious - Horror / Thriller - Classical - Documentary - Reality - Comedy - Entertainment - Crime / Detective - Mystery - Other [specify] 11 Are you male or female? [M/F] 12 How old are you? 10-16 17-21 22-30 30+ 13 What is your ethnic background? - CaucasiAn - Black / African American - Mixed race - Asian - Other [please specify]
  12. You look like your making love to the one in the middle from behind.
  13. Of course it should be compulsory, I don't see how people can have a problem with it.
  14. American Beauty.
  15. Dude, your meant to think that, not say it!
  16. I do sir, pictures, captions and camera movements.
  17. Firstly, this probably could have went in the creative board, but it relates to the homework thread and I'm interested in what other people decided to make for a Media or Film project. I'm currently in the middle of AS Media studies coursework and I'm making a short film. In my pre production I planned to make a Ninja Turtles/Power Rangers styled film, I even included research about the shows! It's just now, I'm finding hard to begin actually recording something like this. My costumes are really awesome, it's just I'm worried It'll look like a bunch of idiot teenage lads running around with cheep looking imovie effects thrown in. Although I do want the film to be cheesy as a homage to the power rangers, I don't want it to look stupid and getting your mates to try and do some convincing acting is very tough. So, if you have any tips about filming, ideas for the plot or anything from your own experiences that could help me please share!
  18. I dropped my Wii-mote, less than a meter from the floor and it even had one of those free plastic covers on it, but now it won't register when it's swung or shaken. It was the one I bought with Wii play, therefore I'm not sure if it has a longer warranty than the so many days to take it back to the shop I bought it from. I probably have the receipt somewhere, I never throw things like that away and I have all the packaging, is there anything I can do?
  19. Dance, no more drinking for me.
  20. I think you'll remember the guy on the left. Give the Tod some love!
  21. I'm pretty good with them, I get flattered that people trust me with things then don't tell anyone out of respect of that.
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