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Everything posted by Haden

  1. A cumjar, I think I know what that is. Yeah - it's yo' mama! rofl! thats wonderful! Surely like quote of the year. Dont say that to Zidane though you will pay.
  2. Man those Wii shots look awful. On the other hand if its a decent game I will still get it just to shoot some nazis using the wiimote!
  3. It was a moment of passion a bad thing sure but I don't think we can judge him to badly. His mum is in hospital and someone calls her a whore. I would have been really upset myself. Add all the magnitude of the occasion and exertion of the match etc. Im not saying it was right im just saying I can understand why he did it and wouldnt judge him over it.
  4. You speak the truth! Arrested Development is simply wonderful I can't get enough of it. Indeed I have consumed every single episode. Having said this I think it ended really well so if the movie comes out and is awful it will be the eqvilent of the Zidane headbutt (heartbreaking). Oh and I have Curb season 1 and 3 what do you have Rick? I feel prettttttyyy good that theres another curb shmuck around here! : peace: For good episodes buy season 1 the developers deserve credit for it. You won't regret it I gaurentee.
  5. Fierce come and I can get you a job we can play video games all day and ill pay you to play me at like iss 2! With zidaneee!
  6. Knock Knock are we at a state of Domerstercoolness?
  7. Yeh becuase being posh is boring! But if she has a message of the night she should send it! Shes got our money and tonight shes gonna spend it. Teenage yell.
  8. Erm yeh and the thing is zidane is a lgend and shouldnt be summed up by one mistake but your rules are yours and mine are mine so just because we stand on different sides of the fence it doesnt mean we cant live in the same garden. And play football in it with Zidane.
  9. I er like went to bloc party and said ive seen better kaiser chief acts than you then was like sorry I meant franz but the damage was done! it was done thats why they havent realseed a second album
  10. Dieter did you see the England vs Spain match a couple of years ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Eh20XkatM&search=spain%20vs%20england%20racism it was disgusting.
  11. Yeh it is being called a terrorist just because he comes from the suburbs and is of Algerian descent is a racist comment, I would be extemrley upset if I was Zidane and someone said that to me.
  12. lol Athriller and the daily mail allied at last. But sierously he blatently made a horrific comment to Zidane that was probably racist this guys a dick. And yeh Zidane didn't do the right thing but its hard to control anger when provoked in this manner.
  13. What the hell that guys a psychopath quite literally. You just cant treat people like that. Shame that he got the better of Zidane.
  14. I think he still deserves the golden ball award. Fifa havent been able to control racism and Zidane couldnt control himself. But Zidane at least gave us moments of wonder while Fifa and the referees just screwed up horribly.
  15. How could someone say something like that especially if it was a racist thing. I know Zidane shouldn't have reacted but thats awful if it was racist as they are bastards. I still thank Zidane for providing me with the most entertatning football this world cup in teh Brazil game.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzzzf8BqtOw New youtube movie by me another AD one!
  17. Wow a metaphor as well as a stfu thats pretty impressive. I'll try and do what Zidane couldn't and walk away from this. But for you to call Zidane a hero becuase of that instead of his genius on the pitch is incredibly ignorant.
  18. Yeh well done what a link why dont you post it in the funny videos instead of polluting this thread with your shit.
  19. No no this is a tragedy but hes a legend. I love Zidane. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JOyv99uO2Y&mode=related&search=zidane%20vs%20brazil There is no great genius without some touch of madness. Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD) The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
  20. lol lol that was great you sound really different to how I thought you would nice one Dom! Please make more! BELIVE IT!
  21. Your always thinking about buds! Oh wait you mean buddy...
  22. I KILLED A MAN THATS WHY I CANT SLEEP! Only kidding im just having fun making movies.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSK7vbUOOUM Video I made myself if you watch arrested development you should enjoy. : peace:
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