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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Dabookerman
  2. Hmm fair enough I think his actions speak very loud though. He was basically either follow my rules or be destroyed to the Church.
  3. He also said you cant be a German and a Christian and that Christianity is against the natural order that he stood for.
  4. Are you insane?
  5. Big time they show the programme and try and make teh two things that people want to happen happen. Eg conflict and sex and they dont give a shit about morality.
  6. Definatly getting this my Dad will love this game so much. Thank god they have slice in this rather than that random stuff in wii sports. I want GC style graphics at least PS2 graphics man alive.
  7. lol damn right
  8. Pikmin or Kid Icarus
  9. Tonights episode will involve Shilpwnage of Jade.
  10. What theyve declared war on us? Oh no we are gonna become part of the Indian Empire. TO be honest this owuld be the best declaration of war reason ever.
  11. Um Muslim community? Is she even a Muslim this is about racism not religion.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NlaOlwqJ78 PURE PWNAGE This is the Jade clip Rummy
  13. NINTENDOMINATION! DS literally is printing money.
  14. "Your become what you have always hated!" "Yeh but at least I got rid of all of those nig..." Classic Classic South Park
  15. ITS GARBAGGEEEEEE DAYYYYYY! Whoops I mean its your bday! And Im not going to hid behind a garbage can and kill you. Not yet anyway. Have a great one man you deserve it.
  16. The man aboves avatar makes me smile inside whenever I see it nad hes a great poster.
  17. Ah man that litereally nearly made me cry the way you handled that msn convo. You truly are the better man Jim. Im so sorry this happened if it happened to me I would be horribly fucked up. Lifes complex (that doesnt excuse what she did though she is definatly in the wrong) and I think you should stay with her. This once a cheater always a cheater is rubbish. Give her time to come to you and talk again. What a rough couple of months for you. Hope you have a great time tonight you deserve it.
  18. FIFTY YEARS AGO WE WOULD HAVE HAD YOU HANGING UPSIDE DOWN FROM A TREE! Kudos to whoever gets that reference. As for the attack, nasty.
  19. Hmm I love the films but this looks a bit sucky. The controls do look really good though. I will consider it I think.
  20. Thats the first sensible thing youve said all day!
  21. Yeh this guys right this means noone can insult the fact that I love Girls Aloud. That makes me subjectively cool and objectively homosexual!
  22. ... .... ..... I was going to post a darth vader picture with noooooooooo etc next to it. But I actually think its quite sweet that you are this obssessed with scores; scary but sweet.
  23. Not able to click the right button are we! Damn Pothead :wink:
  24. Your damn right I love Baseball. Apart from those damn splitter balls. As my friend keeps doing them on me I still beat that loser though.
  25. You remind me a bit of Eevil actually if he had a slightly wider face. I hope neither you or the Juggernaught take offence to that your both good looking chaps.
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