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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Oh sweet jesus thank god dabookerman isnt here. Sierously though what a load of shit. I know this will cause me to get flamed but man alive this is what miis are for! Use miis godamnit dont whore out one of your most respected franchies I thought those days were behind us after the phillips debacle.
  2. Price and loading times and non traditional handheld games and strengh of ps2 and not going after non gamer market would be my guesses. However the PSP is now selling pretty damn well in america and japan however yeh its still getting trounced by the DS lite.
  3. ah shit! Good game Cube that was a real toughie thought i was gonna grap a last minute goal back. Ah well at least im not bottom of the league :P
  4. Ah I see its a witty putdown I kinda figured it would be something like that lol.
  5. Who me or the girl! High five! No sorry dont quite get what you meant or do you mean you find it easy to make women orgasm so its not that high a goal?
  6. Thats true but more satisfying with girls when you make one orgasm its literally back of the net! Also pikachu outfit and sex talk? This thread is the best thing ever lol
  7. Yeh im really sorry for the hardcore bullying and trauma of posting a columbo picture
  8. lol thanks! unless its dabookerman! In which case im onto you! Just to clarify though tentcle rape never comes up in columbo
  9. Yeh sorry Bluey I believe you to. Oh just one thing do you like tentecle rape manga?
  10. Ah ok then thats good news.
  11. I think this is bad but before the flamethrowers come out let me finish. Banning something makes it a scapegoat and makes it special in the eyes of its believers its also a reactionary response. We should have free and open discourse with scientology believers and debate their beliefs with them, this just as a poster above said opens up a whoel can of worms.
  12. Haden


    Iran and Syrian have worked with terrorist groups to further their own ends thats just plain obvious. Look at Lebenon and the political assinations there. As for Hezzbalah it uses voilence to promote its cause and just as America sponser its oppnonents Iran sponsers it. Er Israel is a country built on a UN mandate that was then nearly gangraped by every Arab country out there. Ok they crossed the line lots of times but jees louise a jewish country in the Middle East I mean they have the right to be protective but they have done bad things. Yes if I was the current elite of Iran I would be trying to get a nuke thats realpolitik. I wouldnt call it morally justified though as thats ridiculous. the current rulers of Iran are playing America, Israel and Britain off as teh devil for its own political gain in the region and to secure domestic support. While damaging the lives of civilians in its country and in the region. Just to be clear im not against Iran as a country just its adminstration.
  13. Good first match there! Well done Noodleman for your 2-1 victory looks like I will have to do some better marking next time lol
  14. Haden


    Iran sponser terrorist organisations im pretty sure thats established. They have caused trouble in Iraq for sure for their own gain they want to be the dominant regional power. The british army have found Iranian equipment used by Iraqi militants. An Iraq civil war is very benificial for them. The less countries that have it the better and a country whose President says he wants to wipe Israel off the map and holds state sponsered holocaust denial conferences shouldnt be allowed a nuke.
  15. Wow your job paying well? Im glad as you seem to work bloody hard.
  16. I think your sig sums it all up lol. Glad your back
  17. Haden


  18. haha sorry i was just joking. Wait though 3x length and 5x girth! Thats just mental lol.
  19. lol Ive had sex with men with huge penises! Sorry was just translating that post To answer that if it was a genunie question I watched a programme on couples trying to spice up their sex life I think it may have been that channel 4 thing a while back. Anyway it basically said that big ones werent used as much as smaller ones, jsut thought it might hurt. And if rokheds wife is a dominatrix I guess that would be the point? But then again i know nothing of anal sex so I may be wrong. Ah ok man 10 inches!! What happens if its to long like coulndt it be dangerous or something?
  20. Sweet! I am in for a sexy time! Sieorusly though that is badass! I mean jesus wouldnt that kill someone I didnt reaslise the arse passage was even that long lol.
  21. Whats happened this time! What I meant to say was do you have a funny link to neogaf? Also I agree with what hobbzinio said.
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