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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Baby Mama Great film to watch without having to think. Amy was hilarious, and I haven't laughed this much at the cinema in ages, like real LOL moments. Loved it 8.5/10
  2. WTF Raisins are WIN. Also, coffee is WIN. Get rid of that toffee shit.
  3. Looks AWESOME Bluey Hope you had a great time ^_^
  4. Ah really? My bad, but gosh, it's so cringe worthy D=
  5. Some nice striped TopMan shorts - £25 £6
  6. Good man :P Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging What a pile of shit. Nearly all of the cast couldn't act at all, and the dialogue was just TERRIBLE. I mean who the fuck thought "Quality lushness" would be a "cool" down with the kids line? The film is full of that, I was cringing every 2 minutes. Only good thing about the movie? Steve Jones :heart: 2/10
  7. 100% English far as I know. Although people often ask if I have Japanese in me They say I have slightly slanted eyes Which I don't XD
  8. Hairspray is a fantastic film IMO. Propbably my second favourite musical after Chicago
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Yayayaya
  10. Bluey - Mega cute ^_^ Shotgun - ooooft
  11. Your gorgeous Nightwolf Also, LOVING the fringe ^_^
  12. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Get new friends.
  13. Seeing as I'm gay myself, no I'm not homophobic. But I agree with most people on here saying they hate the ones who flaunt it and act like total ass holes. Same with racism really, I have no problem with different races, but the ones who go around using there race as an excuse to cause trouble or make a big deal out of it I can't stand. Oh and then there are the the ones who demand benefits/housing just because they are immigrants and have no money......ARGHHH. And what really pisses me off is they get it aswell.... =_=
  14. Wall-E Oh my god. What a stunning film. The amount of personality in the robots, especially Wall-E and E.V.E was amazing, the story was great, the animation was top-notch as ever, just...wow. Oh and the Pixar short before the film, was LOLTASTIC. This stands up there with Finding Nemo and Toy Story as my favourite Pixar movies 10/10
  15. Batman Begins My first Batman movie, and wow, I thought it was fucking awesome Totally hyped for TDK now 9/10
  16. Dreamgirls, Sweeney Todd, Hairspray. All great recent musicals! Even if they are very different from each other XD Oh and I watched the first high school musical again the other day, and GOD it's awful :/ But....I still love it! The second one is a lot better in my opinion, and can't wait for the third!
  17. A Bugs Life Still love it, way better than Antz 8/10 Oh and I just realised Hayden Panettiere is Dot! Awww!
  18. Been to T4 On The Beach today Was fucking amazing, and...ALEXA CHUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Awww Thanks for that, no, really! ... Why thankyou
  20. I was hoping for a kind of "from tonight you will be able to download the new update!" Mehh.
  21. Don't worry I do ^_^ Although, been using it for a few months now, and haven't had any money back yet D=
  22. Oh, thanks for that *goes and cancels*
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