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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. i think last christmas they made their first profit from xbox.Im not sure
  2. i looks like a sticker to me
  3. ahhh thank god i live in ireland
  4. gamecube got called kiddy and it had many mature games!Point is forget about what people say about nintendo being kiddy i dont give a shit
  5. but why not just have a bloody charger!? The only reason i can think of is that in a four player game or something random controllers might go dead and WHOOPS i forgot to charge it!I suppose the battery idea is better in that case sonice the life will be longer
  6. seems unlikely after how poorly re 4 did on gamecube and i think they will use wii as a test bed first which means a port or whatever before jumping in on a brand new game...could be a brand new gun survivor though
  7. arguably they started in the 70s and had their best stuff in the 70s.I personally prefer their 80s hits like radio ga ga and princess of the universe
  8. i like the last one.Since wii will most likely be the most popular console in japan dragon quest WILL sell well and dragon quest ds is guaranteed also but in the west however,Still just a rumour though
  9. i would be a joke if the wii version didnt have the on-line mode that 360 will have.There is no excuse anymore
  10. its either gun survivor, remake of resi evil 4, re evil 5(i doubt it) or a remake of resident evil 2 the gamecube never got. personally i hope resident evil 5 but i wont happen
  11. orange?errr we dont have orange in ireland so great
  12. haha i rmember that.that was the rumored gba2.
  13. i really agree.I hate it too never saw what the fuss was about.I found it very glitchy actually
  14. do u mean neworder the band!?the ones that did blue monday?
  15. u think acktivision can do it better?Then again they cant be bloody worse can they.I fely suicidal after playing goldeneye rogue agent
  16. lol loks like 360 is the neither
  17. im sorry i didnt include 50s or 40s.Please somebody sue me
  18. ok the following people are gay......................... no i wont name names but i have suspicions!!!!! nah only joking
  19. mine is horrific im 18 and look 14!Why wont anybody believe my age?Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
  20. If are like me then u hate modern day music bar a small few songs.I love the 80s for music mainly because of the sythesizer which seems to be a bit dead in modern day music!Now i know thre is a lot of u that hate that sort of music and prefer brit rock from the 90s maybe perhaps a bit of beatles from the 60s? even queen from the 70s and 80s? whats your favourite music decade.Also state your music taste and examples of songs. however if u say 00s u better have a good reason:santa:
  21. i do piano,tiny tiny bit of guitar and bit of drums
  22. a forum band!?yeah lets all imort band bros
  23. thanks which one would u recommend for someone wishing to create music.Iv been playing the piano for 10 years do u know of any afforable syths?
  24. whats the difference between a synthiesizer and a keyboard!?Or is there any difference and if so do u recommend any!Sorry if this is a stupid thread!
  25. thats not a bad idea actually but it should be an extra option.Id bet the wii mote will be used as a mouse during opera so why not during an rts.Ok its a bit big and lanky at the moment but its possible.
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