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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. 7/10 i like it. i finished mine just there
  2. i think it worked thanks for the tip.i was using a crap site then i guess
  3. ok something must be wrong with the link!Ill try another source
  4. does it work now.Lol it isnt that good anyway but i want at least one pic up
  5. as in there is no image coming up or u cant see any differnce?
  6. ok that was my first attempt at photoshop.I only got it yesterday!It looks like crap compared to all of yours!I do my best
  7. Nope we have half terms(we call them mid terms) i have heard that being said before but its not true.It has gotten more strict though id say.We dont get half days anymore.We used to get some for no reason at all.'the mayors car has passed the chool HALF DAY!' In saying that our school eduacation is much harder in general.i heard u only have to do 3 subjects for your A levels(that what its called)We have to do 7
  8. lol in ireland we have 3 months of summer holidays.We got off at the end of may!haha we have th longest in europe and probably the world! yeah!
  9. super metroid at launch and ill be a happy bunny
  10. that equals about 250euro which sounds expensive to me..Nah i dont think anyone knows the price,Maybe nintendo are still deciding.Who knows!
  11. my my someone needs to practise their mario kart skills:)
  12. in ireland we call them just scumbags! or nackers! i just hate the way they talk!I sound american for some reason but they talk crap i bate teh head off ya!
  13. excallent thread.this has bothered me for years but i never thought of it for a while.i huess its because plenty of countried outside of europe have different characters for letters. thats what i think but i could just be talking shit again!
  14. if ONE more person says that on ANY forum i will come and get (scary) u!ok im not serious but its really really annoying! dont be upset i feel like this all the time hence why im on a nintendo forum:)
  15. lol neither do i::shrug:
  16. yes ctr was very underated and it would be the last good crash game.crash bash wasnt great(i think eurocom developed it) it also had many tracks and the one player had u unlocking more.It was much more challanging than mario kart.Did u ever try the N troopy time trials king boo?U had to complete the race in a certain time then beat n troopey and then u raced OXide who was impossible! track design was also cool as ye all said.the short cuts were fun to find and remember when u had to collect the letters ctr!Naughty dog were amzing developers and this was their first attempt at this genere! OMG!Im playing this now! ctr>every mario kart ever
  17. i believe it was.The story mode was so much fun and really lasted a while..Iv been saying it for years that mario kart needs a story mode...not a crap mission mode
  18. that woulnt work as well as the c stick i mean nobody wants to move while they are moving the camera.Hurray!new camera control!
  19. first true ds rpg?I want something to last me a while besides advanced wars damn it!
  20. I know certain games will never have camera problems like first persons and party games ect,But mario galaxy made me think that maybe there is a reason for the space setting.Maybe camera would be a problem. We have never seen any other third person game in action(bar hammer) Id be interested to see how rayman gets round the problem.Dont forget there is no c stick this time.Could the d pad be used to circle the camera?
  21. i hope ea power the wii graphics to the limit.Need for speed have an annoying habit of looking like shit
  22. very true ctr i even would as far as to say that ctr is better than mario kart 64.the one player is so much fun please make a traditional crash platformer with the return of the apple bazooka with wii controls,it would work great
  23. chavs/scumbags in ireland drive me fucking mad but scumbag wannabies are even worse!
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WayYcrx4Gv0&search=take%20on%20me
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