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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. id add just about anyone.U can always just get rid of them and block them if they turn out to be dicks........i have been blocked before
  2. 'alpha ritas escaped recruit 6 teenagers with attitude' still funny
  3. that video was hilarious.Hopefully u can pick up and drop people
  4. is tingle in the new zelda!please no
  5. rare owned the rights to K rool i think
  6. lol is that sarcasm or what!?
  7. aw that's ok it's fun to slag bad threads just don't take it personally! oh and i can give u a picture of the result if u have an email address! show you what a real man looks like (ok i'll stop now)
  8. Irish education is hard but we get loads of holidays which more or less makes up for it. 3 months! ahhhh
  9. very nice i might just give it a try.if it makes your dick look lomger that is!After all there is always room for improvement:D
  10. have u tried it? I really think this topic failed badly okokok i only used this to describe how bad this thread was.it might been going a bit too far if i said its about as much fun as chinese water torture!
  11. i do find it quite annoying that in england ya only have to do exams in 3 subjects!!!In Ireland we have to do 7
  12. i'm getting better. I only introduced punctuation to my sentences a few weeks ago! never seen pgr3 or call of duty!But hey if they are there good enough
  13. mulitplayer in sonic 2 and bubble bobble on cummodore 64!fun fun fun!
  14. what's the deal with the virtual boy.i remember what it looked like but did u need a tv or what?i sounded a bit daft having to get on your knees and look through the lens!Why wasn't it just a headset instead of a tripod?
  15. ok i'll admit i never played jungle beat but i would kill for a 2d ds sequel to donkey kong country 3.Cmon nintendo u don't need rare to do it and just come up with a new bad guy!
  16. .....................................no but it is the most cruel thing u could do to yourself,yes it is worse than death!
  17. that's the problem table tennis?I mean i'm suprised this game is that hyped to be honest because a wii version would destroy it. Need pods of better games and kameo was a stupid game for a pod too!They need to be quick and easy to get into games that's why i think wii has an advantage.just give everyone wii sports and that's all you need!
  18. I created a thread about this ages ago,when i cared about it now everyone seems to care about it!?huh?
  19. personaly the fat one does it for me
  20. ...............it's basicaly about as much fun as shaving your pubic hair topic>
  21. it's a pity nintendo won't make a damn sequel to donkey kong 64!I'm sick of this bongo crap.
  22. good luck everyone!my time is next year
  23. OMG it knows me so fucking well!Well it's too late to stop now!
  24. oh come on the only level that was really difficult was the last level in story>i agree it should have been easier but we can't judge games on their difficulty.Otherwise ikaruga has a lot to answer for!
  25. Blue storm was shite!i barely even played it.How it scored that high is beyond me!wow......nintendo making extreme sports game let's score it high!
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