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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. 3 songs to do with religious themes ... haha
  2. Ya, it's true that her appearance isn't her strong point so she worked around it. We all grew up in an age where a pop star "had" to be a supermodel and I appreciate artists like Lady gaga that prove that doesn't have to be the case.
  3. I'm not sure.. Kinda off topic but I believe funerals should be a time to remember the good and funny stuff about a person. Everyone i've been to has people cracking jokes and stuff and it's better, then the inevitable session. So I would say we party over death I know that wasn't your point in the case of Bin Laden, but even with someone like Michael Jackson.. I don't see why death is so taboo sometimes. Like "shhh you can't joke about his DEATH......until 2 days at least" Such bullshit.
  4. I'm getting tired of defending her. I know why haters hate her, but my impressions is that she is the first interesting thing to come from the mainstream music industry in about 10 years. See I'm kinda of the opposite to a lot of elitist internet users. When something or someone is THAT popular it creates a lot of backlash but I tend to think.. "You know maybe there is a GOOD reason this person is popular" and maybe the backlash ITSELF is a case of bandwagoning. Fact is everyone HAS been copying HER since.... no matter how unoriginal she was in the first place.. You really think this or this ...Would have happened if GAGA didn't break down a few barriers that were there first since the 1980's. Not the most talented artist in the world I agree...
  5. I really enjoyed this but really wanted to see a 2D version as I cant stand that post-production crap. But 2 screens had 3d and only one showing that day ( after midnight) had the 2d version... I had no choice. Good stuff though.. Not as good as( wait for it) Ironman, spiderman 2, Xmen 2, Batman begins or the dark knight... but still good
  6. Say what you will about AVATAR but titanic and true lies were excellent.
  7. Terrible grammer, Too many dots and swearing.. I assure you it's MCJ Then you should LOVE aliens.
  8. But... he was a shit batman... I thought this was a given.. He was great when he had the mask off... that's about it.
  9. Nobody does action movies like James Cameron, so frankly until he's back at the helm nothing is going to be as good at Terminator 2.. In fact in my opinion nothing will ever be better than T2.. It's simply the perfect action movie. But terminator 3 wasn't THAT bad. Certainly better than Salvation.
  10. ... you brits are funny people lol But meh whatever, I suppose for fashion people it's a bit of fun.
  11. I never got the hate for these movies. The second one was shite yes but he pretty much apologised for it. This one is garunteed to be better to be fair. The first one was great. Gave a fan everything you could have hoped for. It's not like transformers was the best cartoon ever like...
  12. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, but with it being developed in-house there is no chance in hell.
  13. Nintendo?... track editor? You have to be kidding me.. Nintendo barely let you change the controls in their games, not to mention a editing a level/track in their games
  14. Ya... it doesn't look like any music will be changed does it? But I don't blame them.... If fans are complaining about the colour of water, boxart and the logo in the Intro then they most certainly will shit on the music, even if rachmaninoff played the opening theme himself or.... Nintendo are just lazy.....Bit of column A and B there i'd say.
  15. I wouldn't go as far as to say no good games have been released over the last 2 years, but resident evil 4 is one of the best games of all time and holds up as such. Everyone who played the game loved it and wanted more.... but.. no? It just seems like the genre the wii controls are the best at, the wii lacked because nintendo had no interest in making them. Games like uncharted and Gears of war would have worked wonders on the wii, but yet barely any third party tried games like this. Scarface, ghostbusters and godfather were ok I suppose.. but it's a shame no REAL money was thrown behind a project for the Wii.
  16. Funny and crude. I love it!
  17. What pissed me off most about this title is that it showed how much potential the Wii actually had for original AAA titles of this type.. It shows the wii could actually improve the controls of a game but no..... barely anyone else took advantage.
  18. Never had any trouble. Mostly enjoyed my time being in an all-boys school most associated for being a rugby school... ah boyhood crushes
  19. Glad someone takes the idea seriously . I don't really want a "story" per say. Just an adventure or a decent challenge mode with unlockables. Crash team racing had a mode where you had to collect the letters "C" "T" and "R" hidden somewhere in the track. This was a fun little idea and made you explore every last bit of track.
  20. Ya I just mean a few side-dungeons really. Nothing to take away from the main plot.
  21. As it stands MM is just not suitable for handhelds. You have to play the game in long bursts really. So a new save system would have to be in place. Otherwise A few extra dungeons wouldn't hurt.
  22. I think.... You're missing the point. But... yes and yes
  23. That's kinda what I mean. What Diddy Kong racing, F-zero gx and Crash team racing for the PS1 did. Just something to keep the single-player game going besides a time trial. The ds version was on the right track with the " mission mode" but expand it. F-zero GX kept me going for weeks with it's unlockables and different modes. Mario kart 3ds is just going to make you play through the same damn 50 CC, 100 CC and 150 CC and mirror mode again isn't it? Even in F-zero GX, when you played the expert mode.. you didn't have to play the beginner mode.. it would include it as the victory. If you don't have any friends with the game... What the hell else are you supposed to do? Single player is a more important experience on a handheld because of this. They will probably compensate just by having an On-line mode. I just feel that mario kart could be SOO much more, but they love doing the bare minimum in every game.
  24. Is it too much to ask for a decent story-mode in a mario kart ? I know you can play on-line but still...
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