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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Whatever town's open, I'll come crashing. I don't give a damn.
  2. @Glen-i, I'll probably pop over, but only shortly before your countdown.
  3. I wanted to check out Samurai Champloo on Netflix.. But it doesn't even have English subtitles (and, weridly enough, not even an English dub). I mean, it would have been a nice way to try to learn some French.. But I suspect the translation is garbage. Guy kept asking for more "raviolis".
  4. Crap, could have used that real mystic statue I think! Or that sinking painting.. I already have that one, but it's beautiful. I'll go check what's happening on my island. Edit: It's Leif, so I immediately turned off my game.
  5. I only played for a short while, as Monday evening is radio time for me (and I doubt playing RE with Disco and Deephouse music on is the experience I'm craving). First of all: I can finally confirm the controls and camera angles are archaic and shit. I mean, I would have expected it, but actually experiencing it is another matter. But I wanted to finally see where it all started, so i'll try to work with it.It is what it is. Though I won't be touching any of the other pre-RE4 games in their (mostly) original versions. the remakes however.. Anyway, yeah first zombie. I died, because I tried knifing it.. And this didn't seem to work. Feel like I've hit it at least 15 times. Second death..i opened the front door, and Leon (I chose Leon first) just let the zombie dog through like an idiot. I was unable to aim at the dog so I died. Luckily I saved right before (I was thinking "should I save this ribbon?" but I didn't). Haven't explored much yet. Another archaic thing that annoyed me is the lack of tutorial pop-ups. There are a few, but none really helpful yet. I've looked at a guide for general combat tips, and while I noticed the lighter in the inventory screen, I didn't think any of it yet. Seems I should burn bodies, but I left that first zombie after I got my revenge on it. I'll go check it out when I return. I also learned I should ignore zombies if I can. I wasted ammo shooting at shiny stuff like I'm used in RE4 and 5. Didn't work. Opened up a crypt in the cemetary, but wasn't sure what to do there, Not sure where to go next. That's when I used my last of 3 ribbons. Feels like I've wasted them and ammo, but I'm not using the knife again. Does the knife have any use? Would appreciate some other general (combat) tips!
  6. Finally bought remake as likely the first of a bunch of end-of-year purchases, and will be playing it for the first time as soon as the download finishes (Nintendo servers slow boo). Wish me luck. Edit: Died to first zombie.
  7. Yeah makes sense. I just hate the fact the forum software just doesn't plainly tell me what the problem is. "it's not in a supported format" is obviously bullshit.
  8. I'd host.. But I can't be arsed to clean up my island.
  9. Yeah, but I wanted to embed that particular video. Plus another which had the same problem. Copy protection rights woud be my guess, but I've never seen those errors before.
  10. I've sent a yellow RC copter and black puppy to @Glen-i. A yellow and light ( ) blue copter to @markderoos. And a light blue copter to @BowserBasher, @markderoos,didn't really make it clear what I should send on Discord. I believe @BowserBasher catalogued both the black puppy and green robot on my island last night, so I don't think I have anything left to send over regarding the toys?
  11. I'll keep this short for now but: 1] the first fews days are slow. It's about getting the resources to get the basic stuff out of the way 2] I suspect Animal Crossing isn't a great choice right now for you.. A big selling point was the community aspect, and a lot of people have moved on. Just check the activity at the start of the thread. There's only a handful of us still actively playing it. So you missed the boat a bit. The community aspect isn't going to be the same for you as it was (or still is) for us. Trading is going to be weird. I mean I can literally give you a complete fossil set, but I'm not going to. 3] There's no endgoal. There's more stuff to say, but I'm off to bed.
  12. Sent a red and pink dollhouse to @Glen-i. Sent a purple dollhouse to @markderoos (and a red one, sorry, got confused) Sent a red RC helicopter to @BowserBasher, but he catalogued 2 items on my island as well. Also, it felt weird but I kept typing "gray" because I was simply copying it.
  13. Wanted to embed this one, but I don't seem to be able to. Does this show up for others? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEefZSvh434 I specifically get the error "The link could not be embedded because it is not in a supported format" If it doesn't show up, is it a technical issue, or some Youtube copyright protection license thing (which I guess, is techically also a technical issue)?
  14. Yup, I'm just going to list what I have. Dinosaur Toy: gray / brown / green / blue / red Kids' Tent: white / floral / brown Pop-up Book: the ocean blue / the mesozoic world / savannah / flowers Dollhouse: red / blue / orange / green / pink / purple RC Helicopter: red / yellow / light blue / purple Mini Circuit: red & white / blue & yellow / black & silver / pink & purple Tin Robot: silver / red / yellow / green Puppy Plushie: lemon & white / spotted / black / tricoloured / gray & white / pink I'll take a look at what I (seem to) need later.
  15. I almost feel compelled to get the soundtrack purely for this:
  16. Ah, I'll have to make it a bit later. Was in the middle of a Hades run, and about to have dinner. In an hour ok?
  17. I'll see if I can come around the same time as @BowserBasher
  18. So what did you take then? haha. If there's a real painting left, and you don't want it yourself, I'll happily take it of your hands despite having both of them.
  19. Apparently an old meme, but I wasn't familiar with it: Edit:
  20. Thanks @my secret santa! Didn't have that pop-up book yet.
  21. Redd here, but he only has fakes. If anyone wants any of these regardless, let me know. moving painting wistful painting quaint painting academic painting Nook has a blue and yellow mini circuit.
  22. Nah, too late. It's going to be a green cycle helmet.
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