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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yeah, the closure of the studio is not surprising. The cancelation of the final season of The Walking Dead is shocking however. Good thing I didn't pre-order like I have done with most of the TellTale stuff I have, inclusing the previous 3 seasons. I was close to doing so, but ultimately neglected it because the games never showed any technical improvement, so didn't bother. I loved the stories, but the games were really shitty from a technical standpoint. Guess I should play season 3 soon (after replaying 2 first, because of those technical issues..), then do a replay of Tales from the Borderlands. RIP TellTale games. And yeah, absolute shitty for the employees, but on the other hand, it doesn't sound like a place they should be working at anyway. They'll be better off eventually.
  2. Last world (4) for me @Glen-i! But it's fun!
  3. Just my face I hope. And no, I won't worry about it. I have no clue what you're even talking about (but explain it to me anyway). Jumped in for old time's sake, as this was the last MK league without the subscription (well technically, that was last week, but you could use the trial). I don't know if the league will be missing people because of it? Anyway, theoretically I like Mario Kart, so I can jump in at any time without notice. In practice however.. I'll just jump in once in a while. Edit: I wonder if you can create a Trump Toad Mii?
  4. Yeah they're the only boss. But like I said, I don't think it's a good "demo" for beginners. The boar and Black Knight are scary for newcomers. If you're a newcomer, the map is plenty.. If you're a veteran, well it's still plenty to have some quick fun, but if you know what you're doing, it doesn't take long to get to the Gargoyles. Theoretically you can sprint past everything, though that can often fail near the end, even for veterans ;). The guy in the video hadn't played the game in a long time, and kept messing up his run to the boss, trying to ignore everything. When I played last time, I eventually gave up trying to run past it, haha. It's doable, but can often fail miserably. But if you succeed, you can get to the boss in a few minutes. The Gargoyles are at the top of the church like building at the end.
  5. I watched a youtube video of the network test on.. I think PS4. I'm assuming here, that it's exactly the same. You don't create anything, you have 6 characters to choose from. I'm not sure, but I suspect they don't even level. The Dark Knight started at level 16 I think, I don't know if that's the same for the other characters. But the Black Knight was wielding his.. Well one of the swords those things use. Does insane damage of course. 4 of the characters are "normal" (a soldier, witch, pyromancer and knight), and there's Solaire. Or at least a character in his gear. Yeah, you start out at the bonfire at the start of Undead Parish, the one at the end of the bridge (so you don't see the asylum or Firelink Shrine). The gate is closed, but you can see it. All other passage ways are gated off by fog gates. You start out human, with one humanity (kindle the bonfire), and you can get invaded (or invade yourself, if you chose the Black Knight) right away. Session ends when you defeat the Gargoyles. Anyway my plan is to dump my summoning sign somewhere, and farm the map and getting the feel back while waiting to be summoned.
  6. Quick reminder! Had a quick look to see what the network test actually entails.. I suspect it doesn't function well as an introduction to Dark Souls, it's a bit multiplayer focussed (although like normal you can ignore all of that.. If you stay hollow), and it features the Undead Parish map. You can't go anywhere else. PvE wise your goal is to defeat the Gargoyles, this ends the game. You have 6 pre-built classes to choose from, one is the Black Knight, who has a Red Eye Orb, so that's the one you want if you want to invade. Anyway, unlike the retail game, and previously the prepare to die edition on PC with 3rd party mods.. I don't think there's a way to reliably match up, and no way to concretely indentify eachother. I think I'll try to hide my summoning sign somewhere less obvious. Anyway playing tonight or this weekend? Anyone who's not familar with the game?
  7. The test is scheduled at specific days and times. Today, tomorrow and Sunday, all days from 18:00 to 22:00 UK. This has nothing to do with the Online service. (also this thread was specifically to talk about the NES games). And it really is a test. I had a quick look at some youtube videos to see what it exactly entails.. And it's simply a network test. I'm not sure how well it will function as a "demo", if that was what you're looking for..
  8. No, the alternative is a simple solid black colour.. Personally I'm not too distracted by it, but it's not preferred.
  9. Did anyone see that trailer for A star is born? (for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSbzyEJ8X9E)
  10. PLEASE. We need an animated gif of the Nintendo Switch Online: NES sarcasm handclap. As a smiley.
  11. @Dcubed, I wasn't prepared for Pro wrestling.. I had no idea what I was doing. Still, it was nice to finally be declared "a winner is you!" That water is so trolly haha.. I was next, but I had no water while fighting the Hammer Bros.
  12. How many are up for this? Would love an old-fashioned 4 vs 4.
  13. I wish there were more emotes though. I would love an animated thumbs up! And of course, an animated thumbs down even more. I'm up for SMB3 if we're not doing Splatoon.
  14. Oh yeah, this is not N64 balloon battle.
  15. I remember why I fucking hate this game.
  16. a.k.a. NES Virtual Console: Netflix edition a.k.a NesFlix I thought it would be beneficial to separate the NES games feature from the general Switch Online discussion. Talk about the games, and arrange online games! Edit: And I totally forgot, but do post all your fails complete with sarcastic claps! Current game selection Adventures of Lolo Balloon Fight 2p co-op Baseball 2p vs Blaster Master City Connection 2p Clu Clu Land 2p co-op Donkey Kong 2p Donkey Kong Jr. 2p Donkey Kong 3 2p Double Dragon 2p vs Double Dragon II: The Revenge 2p co-op Dr. Mario 2p vs Excitebike VS. Excitebike 2p vs Ghosts’n Goblins 2p Gradius 2p Ice Climber 2p co-op Ice Hockey 2p vs The Legend of Zelda Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Kid Icarus Kirby's Adventure Kung Fu Heroes 2p co-op Mario Bros. 2p co-op Metroid Mighty Bomb Jack NES Open Tournament Golf 2p Ninja Gaiden Pro Wrestling 2p vs Punch Out!! River City Ransom 2p co-op Soccer 2p vs Solomon's Key Star Soldier StarTropics Super Dodgeball 2p vs Mario Bros. 2p co-op Super Mario Bros. 2p Super Mario Bros. 2 2p Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 2p Tecmo Bowl 2p vs TwinBee 2p co-op Tennis 2p vs Vice: Project DOOM Volleyball 2p vs VS. Excitebike 2p vs Wario's Woods 2p vs Wrecking Crew 2p Yoshi 2p vs Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 2p = 2 player mode available 2p vs = 2 player simultaneous versus mode available 2p co-op = 2 player simultaneous co-op mode available Edit: Yeah some games are in there twice.. The list is alphabetical, but I also like to keep a series together, but didn't want to do 2 lists. So I listed them twice so you can find them wherever you expect them. Co-op games Just to list the currently available co-op games separately for convenience. Balloon Fight Clu Clu Land Double Dragon II: The Revenge Ice Climber Kung Fu Heroes Mario Bros. River City Ransom TwinBee Japanese exclusive games These games have so far been only released in Japan for no good reason. With a few common games there may be regional differences as well. Fire Emblem Joy Mech Fight 2p vs Tsuppari Ōzumō 2p vs Upcoming games TBA SP games Shit versions of existing games, in general they're savestates with all unlockables or power-ups available from the start. Can't be arsed to list them.. Hardware Of course we also have the NES controllers for Switch, costing € 60,- or £ 50,-. The order page for those is hidden somewhere on your local Nintendo site.
  17. Did that have online? Because.. /puts up broken record It's on my Steam wishlist, but may get it on Switch instead.
  18. While it's obvious what kind of joke you want to make.. If you have actually seen the film.. It's not happy. I loved Cube by the way. But yeah, that ending. Haven't seen the sequels.
  19. Yeah there is a low latency setting in the main menu (not the in-game menu). It's a bit hidden.. Go to settings, and press y. It tells you about the option below. Had no lag at all with @Vileplume2000, though we're in the same country. Had a few hitches when playing with @Nicktendo, but nothing too bad. Didn't use the low latency setting, I had a full bar and 3-bar respectively.
  20. Ah ok. Can't remember ever witnessing this myself. Sounds like @Dcubed and me should play together than, haha. Your loss man. Want to get scarred though, play some Dark Souls.
  21. Apparently double clicking is a whistle. Those coins though.. That's not how they work. Or I'm really misremembering things, or forgetting some obscure mechanic. Unfortunately I forgot to capture it. I did capture some of your misfortunes though. Friday is Dark Souls night for me. But after that, I may be up for it. I don't inititate the minigame all the time. I only initiate it some of the time.
  22. Also.. I just played some Toad Treasure Tracker. "Find Pixel Toad and touch him."
  23. That was hilarious and fun. Thanks for the game! Clapping: 90% sarcasm. How do you do that whistle by the way? Any other actions? Oh and this version of SMB3 was a bit buggy. Those solid coins..? Controls are as tight as ever, it's the controller that's lacking (well that, and being rusty ). NES controllers are superior for actual NES games.
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