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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. My friend met them when she was in Las Vegas. She talked to them and everything Im so jealous
  2. £30 from HMV. The boy had a £8 Gift Card that he let me use:santa: so really only £22! ... thats my saturday night sorted :P
  3. This i agree with!!! It usually happens when you least expect it!!!
  4. charisma!! I would really love to post in this thread but i dunno if its a really good idea and i keep changing my mind on what id want to say!
  5. I love their song Hero (Skillet that is)
  6. Skillet!! I love his anger P.s their drummer is so freakin cute!
  7. Frosties for dinner for the second night in a row. Hard to buy dinner when ive only £1.95 left! and no sign of the money that my dad is lending me going into my account! (i cant survive to the end of july with only £2! Ive stuff to buy dammit!) ... I didnt even buy the frosties the boy did! (He took pity on me ... ¬_¬)
  8. Start my new job tomorrow Cant wait! Sitting around the house doing nothing is boring!
  9. I love her. And that is one awesome video!
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. I only started postin again cause 3 members of this forum badgered me to start posting again :P Dunno why i stopped for a while (nearly a year lol) Is Pooki still around? I see him on fb all the time but not here
  12. I suffer from this all the time which is a bit meh. Was sleepin alright for a month now its just kicked in again. I usually associated it with stress but im not stressed !! So
  13. Insomnia is back with a bang! A week of not bein able to sleep right. Dammit!
  14. that last line is actually quite sweet:P
  15. I love Charlotte. I felt so bad for her during that scene. Lol.
  16. I know it was actually that post that made me wanna put a picture of scooby
  17. Happy Birthday ya great dane. :P
  18. hahaha no i just got happy n at that point in time i couldnt be bothered to type out my whole post :P in all fairness it was a good weekend - spent some time catching up with a couple of friends that i havent seen in ages!! - went PIG racing.. (we bet on pigs.. watched them race...it was fun :P) - got told more drama about myself that was more fun that annoying :P - found my freesat remote which means I can watch tv again - started playin pokemon there... happy....? BTW I did not expect anyone to comment asking why i had a great weekend, or to even care that I posted. I was just happy n wanted to go WOO! :P
  19. AWESOME WEEKEND. seriously. life went from good to great!!! :-D
  20. Going to a friends house though. Cold drinks and hopefully a colder house than what I have. Upside to this horrible day :P
  21. I was out in the sun today twice felt like I was gonna die :P Decided to sleep in my room (windows open, curtains closed etc) to cool down. 2 hours later and even tho the room is cold im still really warm! Sigh. Bring back snow.
  22. Its too warm. YES I know its not that warm really. (my friend, in canada, has 42C heat) BUTTONS WAS NOT MADE FOR THE HEAT I feel like im melting!
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