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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. so you stay over... to the sunday...easy peasy!!!!
  2. 50 odd people got an invite but we didnt? *safe face* :(
  3. its a saturday :P... since when do you work saturdays?!
  4. that i didnt get an invite too? nice one
  5. haha.. ill explain... 21st jan was the 4 1/2 year anniversary that we first met... and he proposed in the same spot that he told me that he loved me... (awwwww)... which was outside my house
  6. haha - i love lookin at weddin albums of friends of friends on facebook.... so far i havent liked ANY of them....
  7. meeeeeeeee why me? i do the planning... greg worries about how we're going to afford it - i like this situation :P
  8. woopa!!!!!! for bein out of debt!!!!... ... my eyes are blurry and sore
  9. 4 and a half years .... ever since i was a lil 16 year old...
  10. IMPORTANT ANSWER FOR COOLNESS OF COURSE THERE WILL BE....(im already thinking of a pokemon/mario themed tier to the cake...)
  11. oo that would hurt...go on.. i dare you :P .. goafter i dont mind if you upstage me... i dont like bein the centre of attention so any distraction to get the focus off me is welcome :P
  12. ahhhh its gonna be a few years down the line yet... (after uni and all is past...).. ...you'll all have forgotten bout the invite :P...
  13. ... AWESOME.. i would so totally do that... unfortunately I think greg has to have a say in that as well THANKS everyone for your kind messages.... you're all invited the the idea of the live stream - is also a possibility :P
  14. How was my day? I guess you could say it was life-changing greg proposed i said yes... i'm happy ..
  15. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25498&highlight=ipod there was a whole THREAD!!!! madness
  16. with my exam - i thought i failed within the first 5 minutes - and again 10 minutes later.... i only got 2 minors... its not actually as fear-inducin as everyone says... i wasnt that nervous at all ... and it certainly was as bad as i was lead to believe!!!! r plates down in 3 months
  17. oh dear no ... (im my own very personal opinion) i dislike most (not all but the majority) of modern day childrens cartoons/programmes... if i ever have a child im gonna bring them up on the classics
  18. i know!!! After disastrous flatmates the previous 2 years I've decided that I'm not living with anyone else (apart from my dad) till I'm livin with greg... (even then between us me and greg have 2 wii;s, 2 ps2's, 2 half decent tvs" ... so i dont have to share anyway )
  19. quite frankly... im not .... final year is really stressin me out.. everythin seems to be gettin on top of me... cant wait tillt he end of flippin june when i can finally relax... hate uni!!!! and after 2 and a half years I think im doing the wrong course...meh
  20. huh... instead of greg comin around to help me revise (i really need his help....) its now just me.. revising.. on my own... no one to help with distractions
  21. i love una's outfit in that - and molly's... good song tho
  22. you know that scene in home alone where Kevin's bags break and everything falls out? I re-enacted that scene perfectly in a car park with shoes and dvd cases - thank god my dad was comin to pick me up
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