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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. ok! ive always (for like 2 years) wanted a mac computer =) but due to not having money this hasnt been possible however now it is! tho i dont have a clue what type of mac i would need (like what size of screen / the ram of it / what kinda graphics card) if anyone would help that would be great! im a production student so i would be using photoshop / final cut n stuff and im fed up of internet explorer crashing every 5 seconds (rarrrrr)
  2. no? i didnt have film experience but im on a production course! buttons had a lil bit of a fall one bruised lip and busted ankle later.... (tripped over my dog carrying my laptop - i was more worried bout the laptop than myself....must have been shock)
  3. argh! girl posting! following on from this post http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1093623&postcount=14833 i took photos of the outfit! (taken on laptop webcam as i couldnt find camera - so you really cant see the lace detail of the skirt - and im standing on my bed so im not really that tall) (and yes my room is messy - im a messy creature)
  4. thank you! (now get back to work or ill get my angry face out!)
  5. top from next skirt from new look (before you make any sarcy comments i didnt buy the model :P) for my works christmas do =)
  6. didnt sleep well last night! and ive woken up with a sore neck gonna tidy my room and crack on with some work =)
  7. :( you ok? I wasnt in the greatest of moods today myself so just sat around moping (dont think it helped that I had to fill up my car with petrol and it took £40 and it still wasnt full!)...I didnt scooby it up in the end - I watched charmed instead!
  8. hello! - how be the work going?

  9. ahhh - i get this crappy message when i try to find it: " Sorry, you can only access the Apple Store for Higher Education when connected to your university's network. "
  10. i could only view the discounts when on my unviersitys network! so many when your at uni again you should check =)
  11. my dad is helping me buy it (wooo) (plus the educational store discount is AMAZING! thank the lord for uni!)
  12. havin a pretty pathetic afternoon.... just want to curl up and do nothing - why is it when your day starts out so well - the middle is just blah /whine in other news - getting a mac for christmas
  13. Last Activity: Today 12:07 AM


    what happened to you working :P

  14. nite nite :D - i have to learn about linguistic theory over the weekend so im sure ill see you on msn procrastinating at some point :p

  15. yes you are awesome :P.. im just in my own catagory - we could never be compared!

  16. well to be honest i already had the notes just needed to type them up!.. and im a women - we can multi-task! (you killed a plant?!)

  17. i wrote 600 more words to my essay + i tidied my room + i had a shower = i think i deserve a rest :P... what about you mister!

  18. no worries =) in other things.... 1,000 words of my 3,000 word essay is done! and i think it makes sense
  19. whats wrong youve put me in the mood for battenburg! (lovely stuff!)
  20. im nervous alll the freakin time - paranoid / whatever
  21. turned out buttons isnt fluent in the ol internet lingo
  22. i agree :P one of my weird things is that i have to sit in this one computer at uni just this one (in the media library) if that computer is taken and i have to sit at another one it feels wrong (it faces the door, is next to a window and on the other sides are tvs that no one uses so you get privacy... woo!)
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