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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I second this. Don't let the company win, i didn't let EE win after they messed up and that turned out ok in the end. Have a look online, i reckon you could find a direct contact for the director of Vodafone somewhere. Go as high as you can go, usually the issues get sorted that high up as they don't tend to like complaints about their company. But on the plus side, welcome back to the 21st century Mokong.
  2. I don't think it's come into force yet, i was watching something on the US Netflix last night. According to Netflix themselves, they've not changed any rules yet on the usage of VPN's. So maybe it was a temporary test in a small region before a more widespread approach comes into force. I understand the reason why movie and TV companies want Netflix to do this, but if the UK one wasn't updated so rarely and was updated as often as the US one in terms of content then maybe it will be ok. I'll see how the UK one fairs before i decide on getting rid of it and putting the money into a different service.
  3. Guess the DFS sale finally ended............... Bit of a rip off again for the UK, more expensive than the US (once again). Not even sure i'll keep the Network anymore, hardly watch it as it is.
  4. That's what the majority of the comments are when i was reading some last night. Most people would stop paying Netflix £6 a month and go elsewhere/back to torrents. I don;t know why Netflix don't offer an unlocked service for those wanting to view the US library. I've found a suitable site which i can continue watching some stuff, the show i'm currently watching is also available on Amazon Prime (which i was planning on getting rid of, but may keep if this Netflix purge on VPN's hits me).
  5. Yeah, was a little exaggeration there. More like 20-30% maybe.
  6. Most of the content issues with the UK one seems to be licensing issues with other media sources (aka Sky). They don't want the latest shows appearing on Netflix whilst they can have the stuff on their services. I for one wouldn't be happy if Netflix restricted me to the UK, i'd probably cancel it. This would affect Netflix a lot, because i reckon 90% of their subscribers use it to access the US version. Take that away, that's 90% of their income gone.
  7. Saw this trending on facebook, apparantly Netflix are cracking down* on people using VPN's and Proxies to access US Netflix using a UK account in the UK. *I say Netflix, it's the movie companies that are pressuring them to do this. Thoughts?
  8. Driveclub is a fantastic racing game to be experienced. If you were to get this game @RedShell, i would recommend getting the season pass as well. It adds additional tours each month which keeps the game fresh. Most of the issues this had have certainly been ironed out, online is very much stable now.
  9. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Had an hour on this yesterday, discovered how much i suck at drifting. It's just this that is preventing me from progressing through the DLC tour modes. Needs more practice i think.
  10. Ooo, well done on the PS4 purchase @RedShell
  11. For those whom want the PS4 Anniversary look, without the hefty price-tag
  12. It's been an interesting year. The PS4 has got me back into gaming, which has helped me clear my backlog. There have been some successes in the form of inFamous, The Last of Us and Far Cry 4. However, there have been some disappointment in Murdered: Soul Suspect and Destiny. In terms of arcade/indie games it's been 50/50
  13. These were last years resolutions i made Lose Weight It kind of worked, overall i was 1/2 a stone lighter than i was in 2013 by the end of 2014. So i guess that's a success. Become more Social Success on this one as well. Leave my job + Get another job Success on this one, left the contact centre after many months of hell. Still in the same company, just a different department which is no phone-based work at all (so far) Stop being a dick/idiot I think this has worked, people seem to be talking about me in a good way these days. Read more books Failed on this front, only read 2 books last year. And that book which was on my bedside table for nearly 2 years, still there just another 1/4 through it. This years resolutions are Read more books Lose more weight That's about it really.
  14. That's good to hear. I'm in a row with a certain store (of whom will not be named, but we know who) over the season pass i got. Twas sold a PS3 one, asked for a PS4 one. Didn't pay for it as had it free.
  15. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I'll be more active in the new year.
  16. So, picked this up on the PSN January Sale (£20*). Twas a steal, especially as it comes with all the DLC. I'm impressed, having never played it on the PS3/360 i can't compare. Only done a few missions, not much on the campaign side of things though.
  17. Finished up Episode 3 and did some bonus levels, very enjoyable. It's one i'll go back to to kill a few minutes, well worthy addition to any WiiU collection. But for now i am done.
  18. Raided the PSN January Sale, bought
  19. @Iun, you are correct. I am the one who has it together, my Mum is the one giving "one more chance" all the time. My Dad is borderline in joining me in the "i don't care anymore" category, but won't as it is his daughter as well. And i perfectly understand that, it's just that how many chances can they give her. One day they'll both understand what's happening, and once that day arrives maybe, just maybe she'll change. As it's known, i'm in the boat of not caring about her, the boat of "sure, whatever you say". But i do care about my parents and i don't like seeing them upset for whatever reason. What my sister doesn't see is that i am the one whom has to pick up the pieces, i'm the one whom has to see the damage what she's doing. And i'm the one who just can't put up with it much more. I sent her quite a firm text telling her what she is doing is ripping the family apart, because it's not just affecting those at home. And that will be it in terms of texting her, i won't reply back to her if she texts me.
  20. I managed to get on PSN this morning, i'll be on later again. Spent some Christmas monies on the January Sale they've got on.
  21. Can't you go on the website and raid from there?. Get on, get the bargains into the basket. They'll be linked once you get the PS4 online.
  22. Also need to throw in, my cousins sent me a present which was mixed in with the presents for the dog in the bag. Got a nice watch from them.
  23. Already done so, get on the website and download through there for those unable to access on PSN via the PS4/Vita/PS3.
  24. Here's hoping. As much as Toad is a good game, the levels in the main section can be done in a few minutes.
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