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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. 20 Years from now, George Bush still thinks he runs America.
  2. Happy Birthday Aimless, have a good one.
  3. Jeez, that would be a tough decision. Too much valuable stuff to be fair. I would grab my back-up HDD, phone + charger and possibly a few other little things as well.
  4. I'm looking for somewhere reasonably close (don't mind using the tube at all if needed) to where the main meet will be. Edit: Think i found somewhere, reasonably priced for London. Hotel as well, £35 a night. Should be good enough as i won't be spending much time there. And it is only a 10-15 minute walk as well (assuming Hyde Park is the location for the meet). And there be no need for tubing as the train station is 20-30 minute walk to the Hotel.
  5. I'm still looking about for a reasonable place to stay for the 2 nights. Kind of wish i sorted this out first before booking transport.
  6. Supergrunch. Please recieve this gift.
  7. Hellboy II - The Golden Army Stars Ron Pearlman. I did watch the original a while back, can't be bothered to review it again. Good sequel, and after watching a few of the extras i have discovered just how more expensive it was to produce than the previous. Still can't believe it took 2 actors to portray Dr Kaufman (that robot thingy). 8.8/10
  8. Yes and No. It also depends on how old you are and if you are living with either or both of them at the moment.
  9. Nice result for Recall, should be an interesting game coming up next.
  10. Forgot about this weeks game until this morning, so have quickly made a team up for todays game.
  11. Well, a bad end to a bad day. Got a water leak, luckly we found the source (coming from the bath cold-tap). Somebody thought it was the pipe-work leading to the shower. If it was, then it would have meant lifting the floor above. It happens to be located by the cold-tap of the bath, so it is water off (as Station Officer Steel would say) until further notice. Which should be early morning, which means no shower(s) or shave(s) in morning.
  12. Have recieved, have begun with it. Shall finish it tomorrow after work, havn't as such got time tonight.
  13. That is what we are here for, all the problems of the n-e universe come together to form some of the best help known to person.
  14. I knew who he was, grew up with the movies (all 3 of them, with 2 being the better in my opinion)
  15. If anyone votes for this pillock, or anyone in his party i may have to come around an introduce you to my little friend. This is where the future for Britain lies, with either Brown or Cameron. One of them is right for Britain, and it isn't Brown.
  16. Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
  17. Well, the n-e meet is the place i'll most likely see ya next. And, all i can say to this is thanks very much "eats gurkins". True, or they grew-up a little. Who knows. Glad to hear it. I'm still thinking of going to see it.
  18. People only shrink if they get older. And it is always a good night if a Subway is involved, even more great if it had Gurkins??
  19. Days been pretty good, first part was walking the dog. Second part of morning was at the club doing the count. Spent the rest of the day either watching the crud on TV or on DIRT2. Thought last night was a tad funny. A young adult i know (can't say bloke yet!!!) refused to "get it on" with 2 females who were basically offering to do him. Talk about a coward, that would have been an offer i would have accepted no questions really.
  20. You see one thing when you go out and pull someone, but 9/10 they look like this in the morning.
  21. FB being funny, can't be bothered. Days been alright. Spent much of the afternoon on DIRT 2, finding it more enjoyable than the original. Out tonight for a few (i say a few, more like until i can't take it no more)
  22. Much of my ordered stuff arrived today, tickets to London and the Wierd Al CD i ordered. All good. Popped out this morning got a much needed hair-cut.
  23. Bought today Pair of shoes (paid nothing to be fair, traded in 5 games and got it near enough for free.)
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