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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Picking mine up tomorrow.
  2. Picked up the game earlier, gotta wait another week before playing. All this for only £70.
  3. Picked up my first PS4 game earlier, the waiting game begins.
  4. I've no idea whom to vote for. Vote: No Lynch
  5. Meh, guessed as much. It was fun whilst it lasted, best of luck all.
  6. My decision was made in June at E3, i'm getting a PS4 at launch, to go along with my WiiU i picked up earlier this year. When Microsoft revealed the new Xbox, i certainly didn't fancy the then restrictions and DRM of the console. I like to be able to trade games to friends and trade them in for money off, and that is what the PS4 delivered to me at E3. Microsoft could have stuck to their guns, but backtracked too much for my liking. And the price is something that is wayyy too high even for me. This will be my first console launch, i've usually waited a year or so before getting a console.
  7. 2-2 draw again, sheesh.
  8. @Mr\-Paul, i sent in a "Mr Men" name (in this case, Mr Jelly) and it came back with the forum name of said character* (Magnus Peterson) *At the time, i am aware of the swap
  9. I'm aware of that, i recall seeing comments on facebook and Twitter from Xbone fans saying PS4 has issues. Just saying Xbone has issues as well, so both sides are equal in complaints.
  10. Yeah, i am Mr Wrong. My PM i got back stated that MP is good. It could be that i'm wrong of course and this switch happened before (in which case, that would mean Cube is good). But my PM says MP is good, so i guess that is that. I havn't checked myself, but i know for sure i'm Mr Wrong at the moment.
  11. And so the issues begin with the One.
  12. Well, i targetted Mr Jelly (MP) yesterday and found he's good.
  13. So I think Sony misspelt "Congratulations on your launch Microsoft" I can't take credit for this, CVG had it on their Twitter feed.
  14. Hehe, knew the One would start having issues.
  15. I'm alive and well, i'm no Mischief. I was succesful in reaching my target as well.
  16. There was one or two cases i saw of them charging twice for the Xbox One, but refunding once mistake was noticed. I'm not going to re-kindle the fire, but if you've pre-ordered a high-demand item like the PS4 and Xbox One and are notified that they'll be charging early then make sure the funds are available. Plus if you've pre-ordered, make sure you are either saving up or put it on a Credit card or something. Simple.
  17. Of course, may as well. I am Lacabaruna, a Lobster who can target players at night (during high tide) and protect them from being roleblocked. I have a durable shell which means i will survive one more day after being targetted for death (in this case, the dolphin has killed me but i survive for 1 more day due to my shell. I'm also town, which will be revealed and confirmed once day is over. Yup, i went up to greet the dolphin. In the same way as getting a gem as you said.
  18. Waiting until Saturday for my copy, according to the friend i'm getting the game off it's not arrived yet.
  19. Well, i got nothing else to share at the moment. I'm prepared to share all i have if needed be before i die.
  20. Twitter's gone a little nuts with people complaining that GAME have driven people into overdrafts over taking money for the Xbox One. Similar situation with Shopto over the PS4/XOne orders.
  21. Well, you are asking people to go to the surface for you. Last day phase (and i can say this now), i was restricted in posting only 2 words per post. I chose to pick the dolphin, who said i needed gems to give them. Otherwise i'd die at the end of the next low phase (this phase today) which happens to be the case as i didn't get any gems. I was also restricted in telling the reason as to why i needed the gems, if i said anything i'd be killed straight away. My restrictions with posting made it hard to ask people to get me gems, thus why i am dead at the end of this phase. So there is no need to place votes on me if anyone is considering that. So yeah, hopefully that answers your question @DuD
  22. Ah, Touche!!
  23. It was that gem i picked up 2 phases ago, it limited me to say two words only in each post i made in the next phase. As for why i was mentioned in the write-up, i can't really go into that. But i would be assuming/guessing that @DuD is in a similar situation as i was last phase, just he's got more words to use than i could.
  24. Yes, i'm not limited in my speech no more. And this colour thing, that's my choice not a game decision.
  25. Had a phone-call from GAME, my copy of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Buccanier edition is ready for collection tomorrow morning. Shit's getting real now.
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