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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Wow, thats a surprise.I might just pop over there at launch if I can be bothered.
  2. 241 points on first go. Not as god as the Domster, but an ok score I suppose.
  3. Here in Cleethorpes/New Waltham (school and home respectedly), we had snow until about midday. Now its just cold *shivers*.
  4. If thats the case, you've most likely got yours then Jordan. Either that, or Gameplay is slow at sending emails to those who haven't got it.
  5. You could've just used the money you used to buy that second Xbox 360 to buy presents for the family. No? Okay then. I'm guessing I'm in the second batch too rokhed00, as I too have received a familiar email (from Gameplay though, not GAME).
  6. I find this sudden change a tad odd. More than just a tad infact. But congrats to the new mods I suppose. And our ex mods, I thought you were great, and hope you're righteous posts bring you back to power. Keep on postin'.
  7. I've just had 5 sausages for lunch, and expect to eat more later. No bums to bite though unfortunately.
  8. I haven't had any problems from Play. But they better not mess up my Mario Kart DS order, or else...I'll...err...be very mad or something.
  9. Yes, both Fire Emblems have been out since the 4th of November.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey/ So far we've already raised over £1,000,000. I've donated some money into the charity just now. Lets get raising folks.
  11. Either that, or they're just giving their own opinion. There can be more than a few people that dislike the series you know...
  12. Happy Birthday Shigsy. Keep up those wacky ideas that you make into games.
  13. Fair enough, I'll leave you to it then.
  14. Just a tad mean don't you think .
  15. TWO people in ONE kart. Bah, will never work...
  16. The main man of Path of Radience is called Ike.
  17. What I've been doing for Revolution preparation is this. Basically, every week when I get paid, I put some aside for the Rev, so as to get as much as I possibly can. This money is untouched and won't be touched until I can preorder Rev stuff. So far, it has been working quite well, I have saved about £150. And the total is rising. I did a similar thing with DS, and had about £300 saved for launch, which I used for a NDS VIP Pak, 6 games and a carry case. That worked out nicely, and I hope the same for the Rev.
  18. The P&P costs would be sky high though . Oh yeah, it would cost a lot too. Plus you wouldn't be too pleased if all of it got lost in the mail.
  19. Apparently, according to an online test I took to see what animal I am, I am like a unicorn. I'm sure I'd get something completely random on other tests though (though thats most likely because most of these tests won't have a unicorn on them...)
  20. The only thing that bothered me was that just about everything had eyes on them. So many eyes, so many, many eyes...
  21. Yeah, they're much better than those adverts like the Donkey Konga 2 one.
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